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Posts posted by Zabuza

  1. To my astonishment someone of the ACE-Team just told me that they are working on a module called ACE-Particles. It also includes a similar effect than I achieved with Splendid Smoke (and also lots of other particle reworks). However it is not ready for the stable release of ACE yet, but will be soon.


    As ACE-stuff really is some professional stuff - I'm looking forward to the release of ACE-Particles. Until then (who knows when 'soon' is), I'm glad we now have Splendid Smoke.

  2. This is more of a technical question, but did the smoke not obstructing the line of sight (LOS) bug get fixed in an update somewhere along the line?


    I think so, at least I did nothing more than to say 'particle is sight-blocking'. The rest, the AI behavior, is from the engine.


    I was wondering if you can modify the smoke from the campfire, in my opinion, really needs some improvement.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I've wrote it down for next versions TODO-sheet. I'd like to hear more ideas what this mod should or can include in the future. And what other effects should be improved and how.


    Hi zabuza. I have a problem with vanilla. Every time when I shoot my fps drop down to 5-6 FPS.  Every time when I shoot in scope mode (LPRS ACOG DMS AMS and other) my FPS drop down about 10-15 FPS. Small weapon cause small fps drop.

    for ex

    SPMG 15-FPS

    10-12 FPS drop when look at smoke from smoke granade

    I make some  tests and find  FPS drop due to  barrel smoke effect when shooting in first person or see smoke from  grenade when you near.  This problem since 1.62 update. 

    Is your mod affect  barrel smoke effect to make it more performant or only smoke from grenades?

    maybe your mod may help solve my fps drop


    In the current version (1.0) this only includes the smoke of smoke grenades. Are you talking of this burning barrels, I may also include them for a next version. Sadly this mod will not improve your performance over the performance you get with vanilla. The particle amount and their lifetime (biggest factors) remain the same. However, if you're using other visual mods, like Blastcore, chances are high that they improve the particle amount for better effects. You may try to remove those kind of mods.


    I wonder how well it works in conjunction with Blastcore (and variants!) ... would need to get the right order of mods of course.


    You nail it, the order of loading the mods is important. You'll get the same size and movement-pattern of particles. However I think BC changes the particle data itself, so it may be possible that it looks awkward. If so, call back and I'll provide a patch.

    • Like 2

  3. Splendid Smoke > reworked smoke effects




    1. What does it do?
    2. Features

    3. Troubleshooting

    4. Source

    5. Changelog
    6. Download


    What does it do?

    The mod reworks the smoke effects of various weapons and events. In the initial version this includes much bigger smoke clouds created by all types of smoke grenades.

    The main aspect is the improvement of the visual experience while not decreasing the performance compared to vanilla. In general this means that the amount of spawned particles remains unchanged.







    The following list presents all added/changed features:

    • reworked effects of smoke grenades and smoke shells
      • double the size
      • more volume due to increased spreading
      • blocks the sight of AI
      • same particle amount than in vanilla (performant, particle limit is not reached faster)
    • compatible with common mods like ACE
    • small and compact, no overhead
    • perfomant


    • The smoke effect does not look like in the video?
      • If you use any mods, try again without (vanilla). If the problem still persists, locate the problematic mod. Ensure that SplendidSmoke is loaded after this mod, this should fix the issue. In either case contact us here or at GitHub so we can fix the issue also for others.
    • The smoke effects do not apply to a modded smoke grenade?
      • The modded grenade probably does not inherit from the vanilla grenades. Contact us here or at GitHub so we can add support for this mod



    The source of this mod is available at GitHub, it is published under the GNU General Public License v3.0.




    - fixed signature keys not working


    - initial release



    Download here (no other addons required)

    or via Steam Workshop

    • Like 19

  4. Yes, they have RHS_A10 and RHS_A10_AT.

    I'll see if I can get it to work like you said, you made it sound easy :)


    It's the same as with the other RHS aircraft: https://github.com/ZabuzaW/MightyGau-8Avenger/blob/master/%5Ctrunk/source/AlZab_mighty_gau8_rhs_a10a/config.cpp

    Line 8: Add the pbo where RHS_A10_AT is inside

    Line 5 & 19: The classname of what you want to override: RHS_A10_AT

    Line 21: Copy & Paste the content of weapon[] that RHS_A10_AT has by default, you can find it with ArmA's Config Viewer. Ensure it contains Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F, which is the GAU-8.

    Line 29: Same here, Copy & Paste the default content of magazines[]. Then, which is the critical part, replace the default magazine of the GAU-8 with our modified version: 1174Rnd_GAU8_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F


    That's it, pack it as pbo and you're good to go :)

  5. Does the mod use custom FX now? I've noticed some incompatability issues with Blastcore since the last update. 


    "Now", it does use some custom FX but we have not changed anything there since day 1 of this mod.

    I can not imagine how there could be an incompatibility issue with BC as we are defining our own FXs and not using other, existing FX, that could also be used by BC.


    This mod is open source, you can see the FX section here: https://github.com/ZabuzaW/MightyGau-8Avenger/blob/master/%5Ctrunk/source/AlZab_mighty_gau8_avenger/config.cpp#L267


    Can you name the problem more specific? Can you still reproduce it just with BC and our mod loaded? Does it not occur only with BC, when you do not load our mod?

  6. Addon 'A3_AIr_F requires addon A3_Weapon_F'. HELP


    No problems here. What are you trying to do?



    I can't get this mod to work with the RHS A-10 called "A-10 AT", am I doing something wrong?



    The RHS-pbo inside our mod adds support for the aircraft with class name RHS_A10. If RHS now has multiple A-10 or has changed the classname to something different, then this pbo obviously won't apply to your other aircraft. You may create your own support-pbo (read the thread, it is described somewhere here).

    I'm not familiar with the RHS aircrafts, are there now multiple A-10?


    Im getting a lame 'Thumbtuthumbthumbthumb' sound as impact aswell. Deffo not the sound thats in the mod.


    On my end, it's working fine. Can you start ArmA only with our mod to see if maybe another of your mods breaks the sound?

  7. The bug was fixed. The patched version (2.0) will be uploaded once I've signed everything and Alexus uploaded it (give us 1-3 days). Note that every pbo was changed with this update, so if you're using our addons to also support other planes, make sure to also update this pbo. Or simply just fully replace your content with the new version.


    Also note, if you made your own addons for using our mod with aircrafts that we do not support, make sure you add "A3_Air_F_EPC" to the requiredAddons variable of your mod.



    The ArmA guys seem to have moved the A-10 from the pbo A3_Air_F to A3_Air_F_EPC with the EDEN Update. Our mod only had the old and not the new pbo in the requiredAddons variable. This variable ensures that the mod only gets loaded after the required mods.

    Because of that our mod was loaded before the vanilla A-10, thus the later loaded A-10 overrode some of our values. Resulting in the aircraft having the vanilla magazines but the weapon wanting our modified magazines. Thus, no ammo :)


    For example, the required-section for the RHS support now looks like this:




    The change is highlighted.

    • Like 3

  8. If it isn't support anymore you might just have to rip the mod and make it compatible yourself. All I can imagine is that you have to change the the aircraft name and bam. 


    Currently we do not add support for other mods nor update broken support, vanilla A10 and RHS A10 still work fine and they are the most important for us.


    However you can just take a look into the other patches, it's pretty easy to create one by yourself if you are at least on a beginner level.


    For example this is the patch for the RHS_A10:




    Just 3 steps:

    1. Make sure the mod to patch gets loaded before the patch (line 8).

    2. Add the weapon to the planes weapon list (line 22), copy the original weapon list and exchange the GAU.

    3. Add the magazine to the planes magazine list (line 36), copy the original magazine list and exchange the GAU magazine.


    All you need is a PBOManager, Text-Editor and the ArmA-Config-Viewer, good luck :)

  9. Looks like BC uses models together with a tracer size of ~0.2 where ACE changes this to 1.1 which makes the tracers waaaaaay bigger than they should.


    Achieving that BC gets loaded after ace_ballistics fixes the issue so adding "ace_ballistics" to the requiredAddons[] of BCTracers does the trick.


    Before/After fix:


  10. ArmA has a particle limit. Increasing the sparks results in reaching that limit pretty fast which has side effects like not rendering other particles (smoke from smoke grenades get removed etc.). The dust can be created using few particles that move and get bigger.

    The visual effect of the real counterpart heavily depends on the underground. If your shooting on sand or dirt it will create dust clouds that reach about 6-10m. On other underground like street, metal, concrete it will propably also spark a lot.


    Anyway, thanks for your hint! :)

  11. Hey guys, does anyone of you have an older version of BC where the smoke of the smoke grenades spreaded all around the place instead of being such small? The best would be the newest version where it worked.

    The problem is in the SmokeCS.pbo (you can leave that pbo out to have full BC but with vanilla smoke grenades). Probably we need only a few changes here:




    I'd like to diff the problematic files to see what needs to be changed.



  12. Hey Alexus, great mod!

    But the problem is that we use the RHS A10A in our mod pack, the sounds work now when the gun is fired but there isnt any impact sound. It seems that the vanilla A164 has got the impacts sounds but the RHS just has vanilla sounds. Was wondering if there was a way around that with the current version, or if it has not been implimented yet, it would be fantastic if the RHS A10 had these impact sounds.

    Hey Mandilion, please be sure you integrated the extra support pbo for the RHS A-10A according to the readme file. If you only add the standard pbo of our mod only the A-164 will be supported. Hopefully this will fix your problem because I can hear the sound also in the A-10A :)

    And please check your version. If you have a lower version than 1v8 it could be possible that your RHS A-10A support is outdated.

  13. Is RHS compatibility fixed with the v 1.7? Also,can this maybe be added as a standard mod to zeus cas planes?

    The new version of RHS changed some classnames. We updated our support for the RHS A-10A with v1.8 so v1.7 will not work with current RHS versions but v1.8 will.

    Our Gau8 should automatically apply to A-164s you spawned via Zeus, this should also apply to the Zeus-CAS-Strike-Module.
