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About ketsucorp

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  1. Dear BIS Community, At this time due to financial constraints, this project is on pending development as our staff members are primarily composed of an array of game development students. As the term pans out, they aim to continue working on the project but until then, please feel free to continue adding feedback or comments. We know how an important mod such as this can improve the diversity of the game and as such this project is not abandoned, but postponed due to a significant lack of donation funding to the development staff, all your kind regards and support will be with us as we seek to finish the coming terms. We cannot thank you enough for your support. Many Thanks, KetsuCorp P.S. If you have any considerations or concerns please PM us.
  2. Please PM me with your CV/Skillset.
  3. @Community, Hello all, we still have staff working on this project but as an update we have a lot of our staff going through colleges or universities for games design and development. As such we're trying to find more replacement personnel and the opportunity to work alongside team members in our group. That being said, it is still an active dev build. Keep in mind KetsuCorp has only ever cancelled one mod project. Our resume is outstanding for building and finishing released work. We are just trying to power through academics and also find time. Just stand by for this period, the final patch for GEARS US is alive and well. And, while i hate to tease you, yes our staff are enjoying the current version and the expanded arsenal of clothing included. Many Thanks, KetsuCorp
  4. It was just a safe assumption, please write up a request list of formats and derived filetypes/name structures you need, and i will attempt to provide both it, the shaders, textures and derivations required therein. Many Thanks, KetsuCorp
  5. We checked the PM's. Refer to us generally, we have female staff also. I hope that doesn't come across as being rude, we just value our staff members and KetsuCorp represents itself here as a totality, rather than any one Producer or Manager. Many Thanks, KetsuCorp P.S. Were you inquiring about getting the native file formats?
  6. KetsuCorp is the very same, yes. Under new management and development team members but the group itself focuses on developing modware and app programs here and there. The staff appreciates your warm feedback on this. Keep us posted, Many Thanks, KetsuCorp
  7. Sir? We're not sure how to answer this, the uniforms have arm patch support and you can have custom faces just fine. What exactly were you asking the dev staff to add to the mod package? I'm personally (and the group as a team of staff) are very confused...! Many Thanks, KetsuCorp
  8. The Integrated Ballistic Helmet or IBH is a developed helmet jointly designed by Boeing and ILC Dover for Maritime uses as a contender to the original Pro-Tec helmet used in VBSS and SEAL operations. The IBH is well known for its ruggedly designed features and fast mount swap NVG Wilcox clipper. We are working on a privately developed version of GEARs library, as stated before we have teams or members who in their freetime have made requests at the premium level, an all exclusive project that credits their research and themself as the sole developer or contributor, and often donate a lot to getting the project they want finished by donating to staff on our development team to cover time away from GEARS. We can't discuss further the NSW Pack until they permit it.
  9. All excellent points for and against the argument of weight, those who agree that the quality is too high quality not to pass up, I am certain you will have some creedance to review at a later point all the features you feel are missing or need revision. However, as it stands, I also agree with both sides of the street, they all weigh in. Chrys, we appreciate you trying out the library sized arsenal for it and the equipment therein. Meanwhile, War_lord we appreciate a versatile argument against points, criticism is what we strive for, it is why we appreciate any of the feedback you provide on here too. Many thanks for weighing in on this issue, somewhat pun intended. KetsuCorp Update: Thanks for considering it simply for the texture quality!
  10. We have several custom requests for such things for a number of police dept. Prior posts discuss and address it, and currently the direction withstands. I think poorly designed is the wrong word usage, this modification aims at providing customized levels of visual equipment, this aim has been accomplished. If it were in our design to seek for better weight or HP values we may become reliant on stating that, but a series of statements from our staff have indicated otherwise. The fact that we defend our developers and their decisions is what at the core of our group emphasize quality. They chose to create at the very least a vast variety of visually improved equipments, the modification that Tryk provides is not in the same nature as ours and cannot really be used to have an accurate comparison, that mod provides uniforms and equipment with sometimes new data or models, our objective is to diversify the existing A3 vanilla .paa. That said, our objective was well achieved even in the first .PBO when we expanded out the vary many ranges of trims and color you can apply to a single uniform. Our objective is merely to set a wide range of U.S. (and future other) camouflages at a quality and quantity that will pacify requests for more variety, that and a choice to not hinder player capacity at any level should not be a factoring issue unless (and is warranted) regarding a mission or map maker who chooses to do so. In that sense, we see a point but again, reiterate, ours is a modification for expansive diversity and not that aimed at hindering players or groups from operating. On a personal note, as a spokesperson for the staff, I personally would feel insulted if a mod team or developer chose to think for me in my choices of equipment and do personally praise what all the developers have done in this dev team, in other games i may not have such a luxury and I enjoy that. That could be hailed as a taboo statement in this community, but the reality is, if you do not know what you should be limited to taking, why let us decide for a group or individual? I find the semantics side on the air of liberty. My personal two cents, despite how much my staff recommend I do avoid providing a personal aspect on the development info I am tasked with placing out there. So I wish to ensure that you in your response at least address my argument and also avoid the inflammatory rhetoric of using 'spiel' or deferring arguments to a ''use x instead of y'' logic. I hope that I have helped clarify on this. Germany is listed in the future potential work, we have a great list of EU requestees, we also aim to support other mods, too!
  11. The object is classed as a backpack so I'm afraid that's going to take some tinkering and I don't think it is possible for staff I know to currently do that. It's because the classname gets all of the derived code from the original classname, not on .p3d's. We'll look into that. We are considering new vests, but at this time the final patch is a brush up on the existing work before the move onto larger expansions and more clearer work done for other countries. We also have to figure out what is wanted. Correct, Slash bandoliers (which should be known as Sash bandoliers to clarify) Are there. We are unsure yet about if we intend to add the chest rigs or if we will make our own, I currently have checked the work load and the staff haven't shown any progress on that request, likely due to how low quality the original UVMaps were for the ArmA 3 Chest Rig. And yes we are adding the Independent new Marksman DLC Vest, the other one for Blufor is an abomination and is not in any single way realistic or used. The staff decided one is real and looks very similar to an IOTV/MTV type vest, whereas all the others are private or custom defined .p3d based on fiction. Hope that helps.
  12. There will be a hiatus from the development roadmap upon completion of the U.S. Package to determine this order. At present we wish to see users vote and place demand bids for their country's required pack. We aim to provide every camo of the modern era of said requested country and if you can imagine how quick we're able to release the size of modification that we have at present, you can imagine how great a GEARS_EU Final package will look amongst a series of others, also. This is a topic already discussed read prior pages. To directly address your concerns: We have set these numbers to emphasize an unlimited capacity, it should be down to the unit leaders and not ourselves to arbitrate a realistic environment. If you are unable to conduct an operation on the basis of providing your unit a schematic ruleset for what should and should not be taken onboard missions, then I do not believe it should fall down to us to hold your hand. Because, if in the error of judgement we choose to make the mod carry too little, you would in return complain about this also. This was no error that you found. To summarize as has been mentioned on prior pages, this is a mod that can be enjoyed by realism users and casual gamers alike, we hold no right nor place to tell you what you can and cannot carry, it is for you to determine yourselves, and shows great responsibility in our decision making not to make those assumptions for you. Would recommend you be glad that we chose to give you the choice, not that we take it from you in the hopes of making an unbearable play experience. As stated before, we will absolutely not interfere on this. You carry what you want, not what we will tell you to. Hope that helps, KetsuCorp
  13. @Community, Thank you all so much, your support has driven us to continue working towards completing the entire U.S. collection with due haste. Please note that when we complete this we intend and aim to take on board custom requests for your units in addition. Does your unit need custom nametapes? patches? specifics or details that we don't yet cover? Let us know in Private MSG in BIStudio Forums Private Message and we will work out what it is that you need. We hope to cater for just about any need in customizing our already expanding content and we love that it is what the community wants and needs. We truly are grateful. Many Thanks, KetsuCorp
  14. @Community, We are returning to work on the project, we have some new features in store, we would like to announce the following upcoming features as the final patch to the USA Spectrum of GEAR, this means that GEARS_USA's final data will include the necessary family of camouflages and a full pack. Fixes & Updates: -Fixed SCUBA bug. -Fixed ACH Normals. -Fixed ECH Normals. -Fixed Crye Normals. -Fixed Commando Normals. -Fixed Headwear model.cfg (headwear at crotch) -Fixed Various Misc. Errors (code cleanup) -Added New Velcro for Realism Purposes -Added Crye Gen. 3 Padding & Normals -Added Crye Gen. 3 Padless versions -Added BDU, DCU & UCU Patterns -Added IBH Helmet Programme (Essential for upcoming GEAR SEAL pack) -Added Support for VQI, ACRE & TFAR Projects under Optional folder (Requires you have those mods) What we hope to see is a number of unit developers come out from the shadows and create specific units that use these uniforms and items, a great deal of effort has gone into the collective customization level with GEAR and no other modification will provide this level of (sometimes very superfluous) customization. We hope that when the GEARS U.S. Archive is finished you will enjoy knowing we have given every possible detail to both the camouflage, the items and their prescribed intended functionality. In closing, we thank you for being so patient with us, this patch will take a good deal of time as we are now redoing and HD'ing the work already in GEAR. You may think that not necessary to HD an already high-def mod in light of your using it, but we feel we can make one final, excellent push on the basis of our templates. We may release our source after the U.S. finish. Many Thanks, KetsuCorp