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About drfart

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I would like to see a map of the Gaza strip its a small area that could have great CQC. if you could add the israeli fence, the checkpoint and some tunnels it would be great
  2. yeah i posted a second after the message so i didnt see it
  3. theres a problem with the side : if (_victim |#|side == "west")
  4. init.sqf: cash=0; player addEventHandler ["entityKilled", {null = [] execVM "addCash.sqf";}]; addCash.sqf: _caller = _this select 1; if (_caller side == west); cash=cash+200; hint format ["Cash: %1",cash]; if (_caller side == civilian); cash=cash-100; hint format ["Cash: %1",cash]; so this is single player and theres a sniper (GUER) and i want to do that when he kills an blufor unit cash=cash+200 and this is what i came up with and it wont work
  5. no last time i needed help with some coditions for SP this time i need a simple script for MP
  6. this wont work in mp :b _curProgress = 0; hacked = false; laptop1 removeAction 0; while {_curProgress < 100} do { _curProgress = _curProgress + 5; hintSilent format ["Hacking: %1", _curProgress]; if (_curProgress >= 100) then { hacked = true; _curProgress = 100; hint "Hacking Completed!"; }; sleep 1; };
  7. so how do i define the unit that will use the addAction?
  8. i used addAction to the init field of the laptop
  9. yes laptop1 addAction ["hack","hack.sqf"]
  10. i went in and checked it and it still doesnt work ):
  11. oh shit i didnt notice thanks XD
  12. when i press the addAction nothing happends _unit = _this select 0; _curProgress = 0; hacked = false; laptop1 removeAction 0; while {!alive _unit && _curProgress < 100 && laptop1 distance _unit <10 && (side _unit == west) } do { _curProgress = _curProgress + 5; hintSilent format ["Hacking: %1", _curProgress]; if (_curProgress >= 100) then { hacked = true; _curProgress = 100; hint "Hacking Completed!"; }; sleep 1; };
  13. can i contact you through steam i need some help with scripts im trying to add to it
  14. and by undercover i dont mean set it to night time / put setcaptive on