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About randompeon

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  1. randompeon

    Missing Units

    Lol. Seriously guys ?
  2. randompeon

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Hi ! Sadly, I don't think so. As I understand the scripts, the patrol seems to be based on SHK_patrol, which is based on BIS_fnc_taskPatrol. So no, other patrols won't come to the rescue on their own. I'm currently trying to implement parts of GAIA (the AI engine from MCC) in EOS, but I did not get any satisfying results yet.
  3. randompeon

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Ok so I seemed to have fix it. In eos/core/eos_core.sqf, in the caching part, there was this : if (!(vehicle player == _vehicle)) then {{deleteVehicle _x} forEach[_vehicle];}; I guess it was to prevent eos from deleting vehicle in which the player is. IMHO, while it may very well work in SP, locality in MP may be a bit of a mess, so I did this instead : _playerIsCrew = 0; { if(isPlayer _x) then { _playerIsCrew = 1; }; } forEach crew _vehicle; if (!(vehicle player == _vehicle) && _playerIsCrew == 0) then {{deleteVehicle _x} forEach[_vehicle];}; I ran some quick tests and it now seems to work, I'll update depending on what I see in the future.
  4. randompeon

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Delete this please ? (and why is there no delete option ><)
  5. randompeon

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Hi ! First of all, I love this script and I'm currently using it in some of my missions. Sadly, we encountered an issue last time : After clearing a truck (originally full of enemies, spawned via EOS on a zone), we decided to use it to go to our next objective. Unfortunately, as we were driving on the road, the truck suddenly despawned, leaving us wounded in the middle of nowhere. I guess we went too far away of the truck's original zone and it was cached. Did someone, by any chance, already encountered this issue and found a way to fix it? I'm trying to do it myself, but I can't seem to find how.