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Fix Friendly Fire issues

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This is the issue that´s giving me most grief with the AI comrades, next to their headlessly charging around corners and clipping trough walls and obstacles.

In every mission I play, where there is a Wall to stand next to, there will be an AI comrade shooting his buddy in the back. I´ve just played a small mission I built on Spritz Island, where I lost no AI to enemy fire, but took three casualties trough friendly fire. This isn´t even realistic friendly fire, this is AI buddies recklessly shooting the guy in front of them to score a kill on an enemy on a hillside five hundred meters away.

I am in the process of building a sample mission, as the CIT ticket on this issue is timed out for lack of feedback, so this can be resolved. I think improving the AI in this respect will also help them in the other critical areas.

Let´s collect examples, and find out in which situations Friendly Fire happens, and how the issue could be resolved.



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