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Amazing film. I have to admit, about halfway through i started thinking about potential endings, and guessed correctly, but it's still a damn good film. Did you guys notice the music? Once you got into it you could listen to the music and know a good scene was coming up. :D

I still can't quite *oops, spoiler*

Warning - Spoiler to End All Spoilers

come to grips with the ending. He's dreaming? So what, it's a dream within a dream, that itself is a dream within a dream that's within a dream? Or did he just never come out from the twilight zone? Only (and even then just a tiny tiny bit) disappointing bit in the film for me.

I got the soundtrack for the movie and play it everywhere I go. I work at a golf course as a grounds keeper, and I love driving a golf cart while playing the theme song on my Zune . . . instantly everything I do is epic win, I can almost feel gravity draining away and all of the sudden I'm locked in mortal combat with a pissed off old golfer, spinning in mid-air slow motion . . . until I realize I'm just standing there hand picking weeds out of the green

As for the spoiler:

You can argue the ending either way, while it zooms in on the spinning top, it cuts away just as the top would start to tumble in real life, leaving the ultimate fate of the movie up to the audience.

Thus, if you want to believe the happy-he-made-it-home ending, you can; if you want to believe its a big twist and he's still dreaming, you can. Either way you automatically replay the whole movie in your head to try and figure out which ending would make more sense. How did he wake up from limbo? Didn't the sedative last ten hours in real time meaning that no matter what he would be stuck in limbo for 50 plus years? Would killing himself in limbo wake him up, despite the sedative? (my brain broke trying to make sense of it all . . .)

I've heard some great theories, however, may favorite being:

His kids were his real totem, while the top used to be his wifes, as he never saw his kids faces in his dreams.

BUT: it can also be said that if he allowed himself to see his kids faces, that would be the ultimate sign of him letting go of reality and accepting the dream as his new reality, hence his wife wanting him to look at his kids faces while he was in limbo tryin to save that one dude.

The plot thickens . . .


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Definitely a great movie.

A pinch too mathematic but you get used to it. Reminds me of "Taylor series", when you have to carry out the derivative of the derivative (A dream within a dream but with more time... and the more the dream is deep, the more the time is Exponential)


People with no hindsight should not watch this movie.



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