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Problem with - CA .cpp files

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Can someone please give me there .cpp files from all of the CA folder please?

Ive had a lot of trouble using the copy_cpp.bat program, its not working for me!

ive tried other ways too using the Derapify tool and still to no prevail. I dont know what is the problem,

Im using windows 7 so thats the only thing I can think of whats causing it not to work.

I wouldnt be asking this question, though ive already done so much and gone so

far in to making my island that now this is the only problem ive got,.. and really I have tried everything to try and fix it.

Giving me your config.cpp files from your CA folder will not cause you any problems! it will simply just be helping me out.

At the moment mine are .bin files, and im unable to convert them! im unsure

why and give up trying, ive tired everything possible as you can also see in this part of threads:


Please note: this isnt a 2nd thread either, as that thread is about things not concerning this,

I was simply asking for more help on there, this thread is for the 1 problem of its own.

Can anyone help me please?

Thank you.

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I've made a video!!! :)

... on the left...

a window with Mikero's Derapify 1.65a, or whatever - freshly downloaded and unzipped... then, precisely as my previous instructions on another thread, Depbo.dll also downloaded from Mikeros site and dropped in to the same folder...

Download and unpack Mikeros Derapify... You'll get a "Derapify1.8" folder or something...

1.65a will do - whatever... unpack wherever you like... doesn't matter...

(might also have to download "DePbo.dll" and drop it in the same folder as Derapify... read the readmes)...

Download from same page - readme's included with both...

...on the right...

a test folder containing a "config.bin" file - this one is from Chernarus, but it could be any one of the many config.bins you'll probably need to derapify for any number of reasons during your islandmaking career...


Windows 7 x64 in use here, but that shouldn't matter - the only relevant software is what you see right here - the contents of Mikeros Derapify folder...

Scrounging a CA folder from someone might help temporarily - though since it's a mirror of their P:\CA folder, unless your CA folder is identical to theirs in every respect, it'll probably actually cause issues rather than solve them... but it won't help you the next time you need to unbin a config... the problem won't just go away... (eg: you decide to add Arrowhead objects to your island... you unpack and add them to P:\CA... now you have to add their config.cpp's to your P:\xess\CA folder = back to this issue again! :( ... not good)

We're all using the same windows - more or less... the same software, the same config.bins... its working for us... if it isn't working for you you must be doing something wrong... somewhere along the way...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Ok, im getting somewhere... lol

I have done so many times exactly what you did in the video mate, still not working for me! so I did the last option and used the CA folder you gave me, thanks! ;)

Now its working fine, all the config errors I got have gone, but... now ive got this:

String STR_DN_HANGAR2 not found
String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR not found
String STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR_DEFAULT not found
String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR not found
String STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR_DEFAULT not found

Also this is in there too, sure this is my fault though

Conflict id 657

and this

Double id 657 detected (1x)

any ideas?

Everything in game is working fine, and more good news is ive fixed my island problem which you said, from distance view it looked bad! its fixed, also now the airport is complete with no more grass on the runway etc,.. lol invisible roads sorted that out! and ai lands perfectly on it.

Thanks mate.

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