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rioting civilian

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Hi, I'm making a mission in wich the player must pass trough a city of angry civilian.For that no problems I have plenty of civilian throwing stones. But it feels weird cause they are no sound, i'd need sound of a angry mob shouting at the player whenever there's a few civilian throwing stones ( a bit like in the JCOVE VBS demo ). Where could I find this sound file ? and how could I make it play when a civilian is near the player and throwing stones ?

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Sorry to but in on your post, but how did you get them to through stones? That'd be really interesting.

Also, you could try de-pbo'ing the VBS files and using the sound from there? Or find a free sound file on the internet of a rioting mob and just having it play as a custom sound emitted from the centre of the crowd or something?

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It's very simple simply give them stone ( add it to their inventory) and set the independant side to enemy towards Blufor. Whenever they see a Blufor soldier they will throw stones, they are not very accurate but sometimes they hit and hurt you.

And unfortunately it's unpossible to unpbo the VBS .pbo

Edited by luckyhendrix

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Oh right, i didn't know stones existed in ARMA 2.

And it that case i imagine the best way would be through a third-party sound file.

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sure thing , finding the sound file isn't the hard part, the hard part is to know when to play it.

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well you can go to utube (for example) and search for a riot video and take the sound from it

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sounddogs.com - I'm sure you'll find a good audio file there.

Convert the file to OGG format.

Add a description.ext file to your mission folder and within it place this:

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

class AngryMob


name = "";

sound[] = {"\sound\angrymob.ogg", 1, 1};

titles[] = {};



The path of the file depends on where you place it. If you have a subfolder in your missions folder called 'sound' the path would be as above. The first numeric value after the file name represents DB level. Change it to 0.0 - 1.0 to suit your particular needs.

Create a trigger and use playsound "AngryMob"; in the activation field.

Edited by Grizzle

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sure thing , finding the sound file isn't the hard part, the hard part is to know when to play it.

How about making a trigger so that when your withing earshot of the town, or when they notice your there, the sound starts playing from various places in the town? That way it would sound like the whole town is in uproar.

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