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AI Air Support and Artillary

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hello is there anyway of getting the AI to call in air strikes them selves and also artillary. this is because i am making a single player game but find i have to always call in the support.

i also use the module to have air support and artillary

is there any chance please that someone could help me:)

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Have fiddled with that for some time with good success.

Calling fire missions is quite straightforward, just need to sync arty modules to your batteries, name those modules and then use a small script ( posted examples of that some time ago ).

The tricky part ( and more interesting ) is designating targets in the first place. You could just use triggers for that, but I like something a tad more sophisticated. So have been playing around with Finite State Machine ( FSM ) files. With those you can do quite a bit. Mine is using a list of designated spotter units and another list of artillery batteries. It periodically gathers intel from the spotters and tries to find clusters of worthy targets then assigns fire missions to the various batteries. Still a work in progress, but I like how it works so far.

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Well I hope you keep us posted it sounds pretty neat

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2 things when you get it sorted could you send me the codes ect and also could you not sync the AI soldiers with the arty module so they can use it

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No problem.


1. If it looks good enough, sure. Meanwhile, search around and you should find my posting with an earlier version of the fire-mission script. Should work fine for triggers, etc.

2. BIS arty modules requires the mortars/howitzers/etc to be synched with a given module. ACE version does not use synch, but does require you to register the units to a module via assign statements. So one way or another the batteries have to be tied to a given group. I use the BIS method for now since the AI batteries should stay on just the server and don't need much tweeking to work even in MP play in that situation.

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I have a couple of irons in the fire. Most I can predict the time needed. But all I can say for this project is "soon", since it's partly research into better cluster detection methods and that will take an unknown amount of time.

But I do expect some version out soon enough with the expectation that I'll have to continue to improve the code.

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thats sounds great will look forward to trying it out

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