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Holster pistol mod -- eh?

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Downloaded Cheetah's holster mod for pistols, but I cannot understand what is supposed to be done or where to make it work. To a non-programmer the instructions read like pure gibberish.

Has anyone successfully implemented this mod, and if so, could they perhaps translate the process into terms a layman can understand?

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Use sox mod. It has it built in. Or just take out the slx holster pbo to use alone.

Simple search would have done it for you.

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Hello RolfLarsson,

Are you currently trying to use the holster script with ARMA or ARMA 2? Also, is this the script you downloaded: [url=http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2135&highlight=HOLSTERHolster Script by Cheetah

The script hyper-linked above has an example mission that can only be accessed with ARMA and not ARMA 2. Also, unlike other mods such as ACE, this script requires you to add a few lines into the init.sqf file of any mission you want to play in order to activate and use the pistol holster function. I have not tried using this script with ARMA 2 yet, but I may do so to test out whether it would work with ARMA 2.

However, if you are trying to use this script with ARMA then say so and I will guide you through in layman's terms.


PROTOTYPE 001 suggested the SLX mod: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7045

The SLX mod for ARMA 2 includes an action to holster your weapons, including pistols, by default and it is possible to not use every single function included with the SLX mod and have just the "safety" function. If you have ARMA 2 and want just the pistol holstering function without all the extras included with the SLX mod then ask and I'll guide you through.

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I was attempting to use it with Arma2, yeah.

But I will certainly give SLX a try. Thanks!

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