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mesed up cd key

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ok check this out i got my cd and manuel and box manuel has seen better days with 3 teenage boys my game is still installed runs ok but we i try to get into some multy maches i get a weird kick out saying im using some kinda /ca edit mod and a realy long line behind it about weapons and sort how can i get my cd key outa my cpu so i can reload this game i started having this prob wen i updated to version 107

i dont know regestry at all can some body show me how to get my cd key out of my cpu so i can reboot game please ??:confused:

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I introduce thee to punctuation. May it serve you well.

So from what I understand your manual is in a bad shape (for what reason, exactly?) therefore you cannot read your CD key? Also, if you're getting errors like that then you're missing a lot of key content to the game, for some reason.

The CPU (which is the Central Processing Unit, or Processor, which some people seem to confuse as their actual PC) will not store your CD key. I'm not sure if you can get it from your registries either.

Since this happened after you installed 1.07 that leads me to believe you have a pirated version of the game that you didn't realize would be majorly f*cked up if you installed a legit patch over top of it, and are now trying to weasel your way into getting a CD key for free. Well, at least the way you formatted your post shows no indication for me to think otherwise...

However, if this is a legitimate issue then contact Placebo via PM, and he'll try to help you out.

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thanks bud i sure you im not a theif im a father of 4 and have 3 grandchildren we buy all the flight sims and have been waiting for gam like this to come out for a long time we even own a steam version so me and the boys can play together

but i dont think i have a hacked version but somthing is realy wrong with this install i think i just need sombody to show me the registry thing. and see what happens tell me how i can call bohemea thank buddy:cool:

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Please buy this.

If you need to contact Placebo, send him a PM.

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Your CD Key is written on the last page of the manual, if it's not there or you have lost it you should contact the publisher of whichever version of ArmA2 you have. Asking for ways to circumvent the game's security on our forums is not acceptable.

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