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Trouble with groups created with CfgGroup

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Hi all,

i've got a weird but boring trouble.

I've created default groups thanks to the CfgGroup class.

So, i can put groups on the map thanks to the F2 key. Everything is okay.

But when i double click on a unit of the given group, the menu that is opening isn't concerning this unit but another one of the same VehicleClass.

For example, with the F2 key i put a group of Persian immortals on the map. I double click on one of the "Persian immortal" unit, and hop, the menu that is opening is the one of the "Persian light warrior" :confused: So i have to reselect the Persian immortal in the list to edit it.

Any ideas ?

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I've had the same problem a few times and I can recall a few things that did the trick. You should make sure that you have spelt the specified rank for the unit correctly and that they have the correct side too.

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Same as Rellikki , i had some similar problem at some point and the source was just a typo somewhere in the CfgGroups.

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Thanks a lot guys, the "mistake" i made was to type the config name of the units in capital letters in the cfggroups, when it was in small letters in the cfgvehicles....i could have searched a long, long time without your help :)

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