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Anyone have trouble finding range to a target when using the Thermal sights?

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On rifles, I have a tough time seeing where my bullets hit and determining the range to targets. And I wish there was a version of the M110 that had a regular scope and not just NV or TWS.

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Yeah, the M110 was actually designed to have a normal scope and a silencer built in.

The company that also makes the M110 also makes various attachments to put IN FRONT of the normal scope for night time or thermal use. That way the soldier using the M110 can easily remove and attach the TI or NV scopes. That's also why it has such a long railing on it.

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On rifles, I have a tough time seeing where my bullets hit and determining the range to targets. And I wish there was a version of the M110 that had a regular scope and not just NV or TWS.

Press N to turn off night vision.

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As it has stepped zoom, shouldn't the reticle follow zoom? It's understandable that the variable zooms doesn't have it though.

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Press N to turn off night vision.
To clarify, if you equip the M110 with NV scope, it has both a direct view optic mode (what the original poster is looking for) and the image intensification view.
As it has stepped zoom, shouldn't the reticle follow zoom? It's understandable that the variable zooms doesn't have it though.
A while back I went to the Leupold website and poked around a bit, and, as I understand it, they make different versions of the various models of their scopes that can have the reticle mounted in one of two focal planes; in one plane, the reticle stays the same size in your FOV as you zoom (like in the game), so the mil dots only actually show mils at one magnification, generally the highest magnification; mounted in the other plane, the reticle zooms as you zoom in, so that the distance between two mil dots show one mil regardless of whether you have the scope on 3.5x, 10x, or anywhere in between, so you can always do ranging with the dots without worrying about where you have the zoom set. Looking around just now, one source says that the normal day scope for the M110 is the Leupold Mk4 3.5-10x40mm Brown, so I'll look that up later...

Now that I think of it, I should probably try to see if the mil dots in ArmA 2/OA are actually showing mils correctly...

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