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Ether Dragon

Mission help?

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Some friends and I have been playing the cooperative map "Lost Squad" on the Malden Island. It's the one where you have to defend a town, get to an extraction point, and get off the island.

We can complete the last two objectives - surprisingly easily, but for some reason we can't get a success for defending the town. Last night, we completely owned the mission, when I managed to steal an enemy helicopter and destroy all of their armor and every visible enemy soldier while my team mates called out their positions while hiding in town. The enemy armor never reached town. Part of the squad remained inside the city the entire time. After the helicopter got through, they did a house-to-house and cleared all the hidden bad guys we could find. Still, we didn't succeed. What do we have to do? We've even gone so far as to seek out and kill bad guys on other parts of the map (like near Chapoi or the town you extract from.)

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Umm dunno. I'm pretty sure our team completed this one no probs. confused.gif

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Try to destroy the enemy chopper, too, after you crushed the enemy with it. Maybe that helps, because the chopper may still be counted as enemy object confused.gif

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I can't imagine that being the case, as it's one of the means for getting off the island (the last objective.) If I destroy the chopper, I have to take the boat. Isn't the boat also an enemy unit? By that reasoning, why wouldn't I then need to destroy the boat?

My impression is that I need to kill all of the infantry and armor originally sent against the town. My fear is that there's one or two grunts hiding out somewhere in the vast surrounding woods. I've done extensive searches, both by air and land, and I've yet to find every last soldier. Doing so is so utterly time consuming that the mission loses any fun factor. It's like trying to find that lone ship or peasant hiding in some dark corner of an Age of Empires map...except that an AOE map is piddling in comparison to OFP's. =(

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