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Some Noob questions

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I was hoping someone could help me with the following,

I am trying to get some of the models to pray on their knees inside of the Mosque I want these people to be civilians and I can get the terrorists to animate on their knees etc but not the civilians so is there a way to change the attributes of a civilian so he will do the same animations as a soldier, I was going to also ask this because I want these citizens to walk around and not crawl or duck when they are by the terrorists I only want them to be nervous when there is gunfire around them even that I would like to make within a radius with a trigger if possible.

So can I change any attributes of a civilian model to achieve those goals?

If so can a trigger be implemented with a change in behavior that's turned on and off by gunfire within certain radius,

I want the soldiers to walk by these people to and not have them run away as well just gunfire makes them run and or hit the deck?

Edited by Breeze

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