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OA - WARFARE suggestions

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I was tinkering around with warfare mode in Takistan, and I noticed a few things that seem to be missing that just seem like they should be there in the 'plain vanilla' version of OA.

1. Backpacks - It seems like a simple enough feature that could add some depth to the game-mode as a whole. The ability to carry a little more seems like it would be beneficial. You can disassemble emplacements in warfare mode, but it would still be nice to see rucksacks implimented in the plain vanilla version. The use of the UAV pack would be cool as well.

2. UAV support - I noticed that the MQ9 is still missing from warfare. It seems to me like it would be a valuable asset to have at your disposal in a warfare scenario. I understand it could be a game-breaker, but it seems logical to include an option to disable it, or simply make it somewhat cost prohibitive.

2.5 More support options - Artillery is nice, but there are so many possibilities with all of the improvements that have been made to ArmA 2 thusfar. It would be nice to see mortars, supply drops, and (again) UAV support. I'm thinking maybe another building should be added to the construction menu that would allow access to these options (UAV/COMM terminal perhaps?).

3. Capturable airfields - I miss this feature from ArmA 2 and the previous ArmA. I understand that it is still present in the original ArmA 2 (v1.07), but if it were present in Takistan, it would be a great way to use the fixed-wing vehicles that aren't necessarily in, or flyable in, the campaign. I'm thinking specifically of the C-130, MQ9, and the Takistani jet whose designation I cannot remember. The A-10 would be handy too!

4. Allied factions! - The Czech/German/UN forces don't seem to be in the campaign much, if at all. They would add a LOT to warfare mode, but I must admit, they may crowd the map.

5. AI diplomacy - Since civilians can be present in a warfare game, it would be a nice touch to allow the guerilla AI (if no human player present) to determine alliances based on how the human player (or enemy/other AI) treats civilians.

Well, that's my two cents.

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