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OA Dedicated server and missions with Arma 2 units

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We are seeing some weird behaviour with OA dedi. Sometimes the server hangs while reading mission, sometimes in briefing.

We've yet to pinpoint the exact cause, but it might have something to do with A2+OA addon handling since there seems to be few new paths and a lot of dublicate pbos.

I'd like to hear how everyone elses OA missions with vanilla A2 units are working on dedicated OA server.

On hosted server they all work fine, which also indicates to addon loading problem, as the correct addons are obviously loaded on the host who made the mission.

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I just got a server hang when loading A2:OA (Combined Ops) with only one addon: DAC v3. It works fine when I run the dedicated server without the addon or if I run the server as a host & play with the addon enabled. Enabling/disabling addon verification on the server makes no difference.

Interestingly enough, the server runs fine with non-Arma2 worlds. If I run a mission in, say, Takistan, the server loads the mission just fine...with or without the addon. However, when I try to run a mission that takes place in either Chernarus or Utes, the server chokes.

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please try the beta server 1.52.71900 builds (both windows/linux dedicated)

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