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Removing artillery from SECOPS

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While making a mission using SecOps, I determined I need multiple firebases. The current way I have it set up is so that you need to "switch freqs" to the appropriate firebase in order to call it(0-0-#). Once you switch it, the ability to call arty from that firebase is added to the player. I ran into a problem:

Lets see you are in need of some fire support, and for whatever reason, the firebase you are tuned into can't bring rounds down. So you switch freqs to the next firebase. Once you do that, you still have the option to use the other firebase, even though you can't call in a fire mission, and you might not be able to use it for a while. How can you delete the ability to use that one firebase?

Here is an example of the code I am using:

[["artillery_barrage"], player, [[Viper, [1,3,4,7,8,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

This is put into a trigger using radio Alpha. This selects the firebase "Viper", and allows you to call a firemission. If I can't call it from there I use another radio trigger that "switches freqs" to another fire base.

Is there a command like "BIS_SOM_deleteSupportRequestFunc"? or remove? or anything like that which can cancel the comms with the firebase I'm not using?

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