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Problem with JIP: PublicVariables and MP Framework not working.

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Well, I just added the hints for myself since they are so, as you said yourself, convenient. You can have a hintless version by just deleting:

Lines 18-20

if !SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then {
 call compile format ["task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint",_this];

Line 43

task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint;

And the whole taskhint function:

SHK_showTaskHint = { // Task call SHK_showTaskHint
 private "_p";
 _p = switch (tolower(taskstate _this)) do {
   case "created": { [localize "str_taskNew", [1,1,1,1], "taskNew"] };
   case "current": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] };
   case "assigned": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] };
   case "succeeded": { [localize "str_taskAccomplished", [0.600000,0.839215,0.466666,1.000000], "taskDone"] };
   case "failed": { [localize "str_taskFailed", [0.972549,0.121568,0.000000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] };
   case "canceled": { [localize "str_taskCancelled", [0.750000,0.750000,0.750000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] };
 taskHint [format [(_p select 0) + "\n%1", ((taskDescription _this) select 1)], (_p select 1), (_p select 2)];

Here you go:

SHK_createTask = { // "name" call SHK_createTask
 if isserver then {
   SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this];
   publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks";
 if !isdedicated then {
   /* -- add extra tasks below -- */
   switch _this do {
     case "gohome": {
       taskGoHome = player createSimpleTask ["gohome"]; 
       taskGoHome setSimpleTaskDescription ["Time to go <marker name='mGoHome'>home</marker>.","Home",""]; 
       taskGoHome setTaskState "Assigned";
       player setcurrenttask taskGoHome;
       "mGoHome" setmarkeralphalocal 1;
   /* -- add extra tasks above -- */
SHK_updateTask = { // ["name","state"] call SHK_updateTask
 if isserver then {
   SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this];
   publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks";
 if !isdedicated then {
   call compile format ["task%1 settaskstate ""%2""",(_this select 0),(_this select 1)];
SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false;
if isserver then {
 SHK_Jiptasks = [];
} else {
 if (isnull player) then { SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = true };
if !isdedicated then {
 [] spawn {
   waitUntil {!isnull player};
   player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["About","<br />Version: 20100703<br />Made by: Shuko of LDD Kyllikki<br />Contact: shuko@Quakenet<br />www.kyllikki.fi"]];
   /* -- add briefing tasks below -- */
   taskAmbush= player createSimpleTask ["ambush"];
   taskAmbush setSimpleTaskDescription ["A convoy of unbelievers is coming from the <marker name='mNorth'>north</marker>. Go and smite their necks!","Ambush",""];
   taskAmbush setTaskState "Assigned";
   player setcurrenttask taskAmbush;
   /* -- add briefing tasks above -- */

   if SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then {
     waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Jiptasks"};
       switch (typename _x) do {
         case (typename ""): { _x call SHK_createTask };
         case (typename []): { call compile format ["task%1 settaskstate ""%2""",(_x select 0),(_x select 1)] };
     } foreach SHK_Jiptasks;
     SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false;

You can actually delete the whole SHK_createTask function in missions that you are not creating tasks after the mission has started.

Edited by Shuko

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Init.sqf not running might be caused by syntax error? For example with sqf files if you have a { or [ ro ( too much and then execVM the script, it doesn't get run. At least not from my experience.

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I have no knowledge of the impact that init.sqf has on cpu performance.

Didn't really mean pure processing power.

Arma 2's scripting engine has a feature that's job is to prevent starvation; if a "script" takes longer than 3ms to execute, it's pushed back of the queue. It can cause all kind of unwanted surprises.

---------- Post added at 02:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 AM ----------

Init.sqf not running might be caused by syntax error? For example with sqf files if you have a { or [ ro ( too much and then execVM the script, it doesn't get run. At least not from my experience.

Indeed, nobody should edit missions without -showscripterrors.

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Thanks man. I'll propably go with the taskhint version for the most part. I actually do think its a neat feature, I was just illustrating a point.

As for the processing thing - AHA!. That is good to know. In that case, I figure it would be a good idea making the script a "higher priority". But as I said, I trust your judgement regarding if it is needed or not.

EDIT: Btw, what happens if you delay your script. I mean does the 3ms rule disregard sleep commands and such? Or is that something I should take into consideration when making functions?


Yeah. I do have -showscripterrors on though. I remember when I first discovered that command some months back. I was like: WTF have I been doing! Spending countless hours looking through scripts for a missing ';' is something every missionmaker could surely do without. I dont really wanna think about what I could have accomplished with the time I've spent looking for scripterrors like the coding noob that I am, not knowing that this command (of course!) existed. :rolleyes:

Edited by Nielsen
added question

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EDIT: Btw, what happens if you delay your script. I mean does the 3ms rule disregard sleep commands and such? Or is that something I should take into consideration when making functions?

Nah, you can use sleep.

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Latest version with hints:

SHK_createTask = { // "name" call SHK_createTask
 if isserver then {
   SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this];
   publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks";
 if !isdedicated then {
   /* -- add extra tasks below -- */
   switch _this do {
     case "gohome": {
       taskGoHome = player createSimpleTask ["gohome"]; 
       taskGoHome setSimpleTaskDescription ["Time to go <marker name='mGoHome'>home</marker>.","Home",""]; 
       taskGoHome setTaskState "Assigned";
       player setcurrenttask taskGoHome;
       "mGoHome" setmarkeralphalocal 1;
   /* -- add extra tasks above -- */
   if !SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then {
     call compile format ["task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint",_this];
SHK_showTaskHint = { // Task call SHK_showTaskHint
 private "_p";
 _p = switch (tolower(taskstate _this)) do {
   case "created": { [localize "str_taskNew", [1,1,1,1], "taskNew"] };
   case "current": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] };
   case "assigned": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] };
   case "succeeded": { [localize "str_taskAccomplished", [0.600000,0.839215,0.466666,1.000000], "taskDone"] };
   case "failed": { [localize "str_taskFailed", [0.972549,0.121568,0.000000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] };
   case "canceled": { [localize "str_taskCancelled", [0.750000,0.750000,0.750000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] };
 taskHint [format [(_p select 0) + "\n%1", ((taskDescription _this) select 1)], (_p select 1), (_p select 2)];
SHK_updateTask = { // ["name","state"] call SHK_updateTask
 if isserver then {
   SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this];
   publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks";
 if !isdedicated then {
   call compile format ["
   task%1 settaskstate ""%2"";
   task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint;
   ",(_this select 0),(_this select 1)];
SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false;
if isserver then {
 SHK_Jiptasks = [];
} else {
 if (isnull player) then { SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = true };
if !isdedicated then {
 [] spawn {
   waitUntil {!isnull player};
   player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["About","<br />Version: 20100703<br />Made by: Shuko of LDD Kyllikki<br />Contact: shuko@Quakenet<br />www.kyllikki.fi"]];
   /* -- add briefing tasks below -- */
   taskAmbush= player createSimpleTask ["ambush"];
   taskAmbush setSimpleTaskDescription ["A convoy of unbelievers is coming from the <marker name='mNorth'>north</marker>. Go and smite their necks!","Ambush",""];
   taskAmbush setTaskState "Assigned";
   player setcurrenttask taskAmbush;
   /* -- add briefing tasks above -- */

   if SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then {
     waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Jiptasks"};
       switch (typename _x) do {
         case (typename ""): { _x call SHK_createTask };
         case (typename []): { call compile format ["task%1 settaskstate ""%2""",(_x select 0),(_x select 1)] };
     } foreach SHK_Jiptasks;
     SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false;

Im having a problem with the hidden task to show up. It worked with your first version but the one above I can not get to work. I even just used what you have above and tried to pull it up with an alpha trigger.

ACT "gohome" call SHK_createTask

Here is my whole init.

server execVM "revive_init.sqf";
"find" setMarkerAlphalocal 0;

SSHK_createTask = { // "name" call SHK_createTask
 if isserver then {
   SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this];
   publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks";
 if !isdedicated then {
   /* -- add extra tasks below -- */
   switch _this do {
     case "gohome": {
       taskGoHome = player createSimpleTask ["gohome"]; 
       taskGoHome setSimpleTaskDescription ["Time to go <marker name='mGoHome'>home</marker>.","Home",""]; 
       taskGoHome setTaskState "Assigned";
       player setcurrenttask taskGoHome;
       "mGoHome" setmarkeralphalocal 1;
   /* -- add extra tasks above -- */
   if !SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then {
     call compile format ["task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint",_this];
SHK_showTaskHint = { // Task call SHK_showTaskHint
 private "_p";
 _p = switch (tolower(taskstate _this)) do {
   case "created": { [localize "str_taskNew", [1,1,1,1], "taskNew"] };
   case "current": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] };
   case "assigned": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] };
   case "succeeded": { [localize "str_taskAccomplished", [0.600000,0.839215,0.466666,1.000000], "taskDone"] };
   case "failed": { [localize "str_taskFailed", [0.972549,0.121568,0.000000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] };
   case "canceled": { [localize "str_taskCancelled", [0.750000,0.750000,0.750000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] };
 taskHint [format [(_p select 0) + "\n%1", ((taskDescription _this) select 1)], (_p select 1), (_p select 2)];
SHK_updateTask = { // ["name","state"] call SHK_updateTask
 if isserver then {
   SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this];
   publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks";
 if !isdedicated then {
   call compile format ["
   task%1 settaskstate ""%2"";
   task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint;
   ",(_this select 0),(_this select 1)];
SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false;
if isserver then {
 SHK_Jiptasks = [];
} else {
 if (isnull player) then { SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = true };
if !isdedicated then {
 [] spawn {
   waitUntil {!isnull player};
   player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["About","<br />Version: 20100703<br />Made by: Shuko of LDD Kyllikki<br />Contact: shuko@Quakenet<br />www.kyllikki.fi"]];
   /* -- add briefing tasks below -- */
   taskcamp = player createSimpleTask ["Prisoner Camp"];
   taskcamp setSimpleTaskDescription ["This is the last know Position of the Reporter Harris. We belive he is in the town middle of <marker name=""camp1"">Bastam and Rasman</marker> ", "Prisoner Camp", ""];
   taskcamp setTaskState "Created";
   taskMi8 = player createSimpleTask ["Destory Mi8"];
   taskMi8 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Move south along the town and get  to the location of the <marker name=""heli"">Presidental helicopter</marker> and destroy it. So Aziz cant escape from the region. The helicopter it probably camouflaged.", "Destroy Mi8", ""];
   taskMi8 setTaskState "Created";
   /* -- add briefing tasks above -- */

   if SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then {
     waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Jiptasks"};
       switch (typename _x) do {
         case (typename ""): { _x call SHK_createTask };
         case (typename []): { call compile format ["task%1 settaskstate ""%2""",(_x select 0),(_x select 1)] };
     } foreach SHK_Jiptasks;
     SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false;

if(true) exitWith {}; 

Edited by mia389

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