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Changing units

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I'm in the prosses of creating a mission and I'm wondering is there a way to start as a civi and then get to a base and change that unit for a solider.

at the start of the mission your in a town and then colected by a vehicle and taken to a base. and I would like to know How I could change the units round of there is a way

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You can create a new unit, then use selectPlayer to have the player take control of him, then just get rid of the old civy unit.

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arrr right ok so how do I do that? do I creat a playable unit.

if that is how it's done how do I swap from one unit to another cos my game only seems to let me do that if I'm dead

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Something like this could work:

1. Name your civilian player 'civyP'

2. Create the unit you want him to switch to, and name him 'soldierP'

3. When you get to the base (I'm guessing you have some sort of trigger), do the following:

selectPlayer soldierP; deleteVehicle civyP

I'm not sure if this works, but you can also try the following to perserve the player's identity (name, face, voice, etc..) when (right before actually) you switch him:

civyP saveIdentity "playerIdentity"; soldierP loadIdentity "playerIdentity"

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Ok I'll give that a try. cheers for the help I'll let you know if the other one works

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