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Does anyone know how to make cargo soldiers get out of a helicopter if it was empty in the editor and had pilots added to it?

I thought that unassignvehicle would work but it didn't, i'm using project '85 and i'm trying to add p85 pilots to a MH-60 so they can drop off some p85 marines.

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unAssignVehicle just tells them that vehicle spot isn't theirs anymore. It doesn't tell them it's time to get out. You want doGetOut or commandGetOut for that.

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thanks i'll look it up on the wiki


I said it completely wrong, how do i get the helicopter to land if you manually add pilots to it? Right now they just hover above the landing zone. I'm guessing it's a pretty common problem

Edited by Militantsausage

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How do they reach the landing zone? Via waypoint?

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yep they do, they start with the soldiers in the cargo as a seperate group via moveInCargo, and they go to an invisible helipad, using the transport unload and get out waypoints.

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Give the soldiers a waypoint right next to the invisible helipad, of type "get out", and synchronise it with the helicopter's "transport unload" waypoint (make sure that transport unload waypoint is attached to the helipad for accurate landing).

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I've done that it's easy, my problem is that whenever i have to manually add pilots to an empty chopper they do not land for insertion

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One workaround that should definitely work is to get rid of the chopper's waypoints and then create a trigger with the following statements:


nameOfPilot in nameOfChopper

On Activation:

nameOfPilot move (position nameOfHelipad);nul = [] spawn {waitUntil {unitReady nameOfPilot};nameOfPilot land "LAND"}

NB: You must replace "nameOfPilot," "nameOfChopper" and "nameOfHelipad" with the proper names assigned to these units in your mission. Everything else be exactly as written above.

While that solution should work, I don't fully understand why Transport Unload isn't working for you. My guess is the waypoint isn't being applied to the proper unit, i.e., the spawned pilot. Creating the waypoint through scripting after creating the pilot could very well fix your problem without the need for the above trigger.

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If you want to know a bunch of other options for this there should be more threads or posts in this section.

In case you don't know about the search function, check out this link:


It's the best way to get quick info, example missions and other ideas for mission making.

Here's a quick search for helo landing:


Often it can yield nothing, especially when people start threads with useless titles.( Thanks by the way for the good title, it will surely help others in the future searching for this explanation via title.)

Once you get comfortable with using scripts and mission making in general, I'd suggest trying Mando Heli route for precision landing. It's great for AI heli routes.

Enjoy and take care!

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I do know about the search function, when i searched i came up with nothing useful, i know people expect you to search first.

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