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Call Picture/Show Text at one Time

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Heres the problem. Im calling a Picture from my description.ext, which must be shown the whole intro. At the same time i need to show different text using a trigger, but if i call the picture first, or the text first only 1 shows, not the other. Is there any way to make it shows both at one time ? Thanks!

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Use cutRsc for your picture and titleText for your text. I believe that will work.

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ah i got it now! i use TitleCut for the text and titleRsc for the picture, working,thanks!

now how do you show the text on the bottom of the screen, is there a command like in the effect options, couldnt find anything then this:


titleCut [text, type, speed]


[text, type, speed]: Array

text: String

type: String

speed: Number - optional, default 1.

Return Value:



Example 1:

titleCut ["Hello, how are you?","Plain Down",3]

Edited by Himmelsfeuer

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titleCut ["Hello, how are you?","Plain Down",3]

That should place it at the bottom..

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