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Redeployable static GPMG and HESCO set

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Hey all,

Found some addon I made a few months ago and thought I'd release them on here. One is a static British army GPMG that can be picked up, carried around and be redeployed. The other is a set of Hesco buildings and walls, including a bunker that has the GPMG in it and a set of walls with firing steps on.

The Static GPMG needs the PUKF weapons pack which can be found here http://www.pukf.net/forum/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item6

Here are the links for my addons.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=20FXVJEX Static GPMG.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RYLIG9EA HESCO set.

Please give any feedback good or bad and I hope you enjoy.



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Not only I wanted download this addons :D

I'll kepp trying. Thanks for Informing me. :)

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Not sure what is wrong with the links as I tested them when I first Uploaded them and the breachable door addon one still works fine even though its hosted with the same site. If they dont owkr soon then I might reupload them and try again.



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No problem it was just a queue :D

All links are fine. I've download it now. :)

One word: Awesome!! Very useful buildings.

Thank You!

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I still can't get your download working, at least for the GPMG, could you upload it somewhere else?

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I've just tried them out, and the GPMG works fine. The Hesco stuff crashes my OFP, but gives no warning or reason as to why. Would it be possible to get an unencrypted version of the GPMG, because I'd like to see how you've done it, and to see if I can improve it, and possibly convert it to WGL.

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Hey Mjolnir66,

Not sure why the HESCO set is crashing your version of OFP. Also will try and remember to send you a PM later with the files.



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