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The new mp missions (v1.46)

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Just wanted to ask a simple question, and after that state some comments.


Who did create/manufacture the MP coop missions that shipped with version 1.46?


Me and my friends has played and played, and tried and tried to have fun whilst playing the new shipped missions, but it has been very hard.

Argh, you say, that's because you are a bunch of worthless players,

Yes perhaps we are not very good at this game, but still.

The missions is not balanced.

Where's the fun beeing outnumbered 15 to 1?

The missions RETURN_TO_EDEN(for example)

3/4 of the squad dies(even when AI leads them) whilst pushing forward to the small church.

and aprox. 2 to 5 soldiers make it up the the SHILKA.

What happens when the SHILKA is destroyed?

Numerous of tanks and troops comes rushing against you

I haven't had the chanse to count them t80's, t72's and bmp's but I know that the LAW ammo on all soldiers on the mission would not cover it.

And one can't just run either since the troops follows you and kills you accordingly.

The AH-1 just sits there shoots some rockets on the t80's t72's, but does nothing with the soldiers.

We have played it 18 to 20 times this week and hasn't manage to succeed once.

Today we replaced it with DESERTAMBUSH but with the same effect.

Thas was the game flow part of the comment.

Then mission building.

I kind of demand a loosing trigger, the missions know when one has managed them, but not when all friendly troops are dead.

Which leads to some #missions so the server loads a mission picked from missionlist.

And since the dedicated server is somewhat buggy the server crashes after a while(1 to 11/2 hours)

And what about the spawn in group feature, why is it not implemented?


I really like this game, was at first somewhat dissapointed that there wasn't to many MP missions available when the game was shipped, but now 3 quarters of a year later you(%strAnswerToQuestion%) come up with these MP coop missions?

This made me and my friends playing MP coop missions even more dissapointed.

Thank god there is an editor.

Anyone else partly agree or am I just a little whiny (%PlaceAccurateWordHere%)?

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i agree with you and think they should add some more mp missions and also make a COOP Campaign all of which should be fairly easy. we will get some more mp missions in the

Resistance Expansion,

But anyway i do agree with you that they should

have toned down missions and intense missions aswell

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Well, you're either into coop or not. I'd say about 80% of my OFP gaming is coop (mostly LAN, but some online too).

Also, I found small games (6 or less players) better suited to coop than adversarial. I like CTFs with 12 or more players.

Yes, it is killing AI, which you can do single player, but on a really difficult mission there is nothing like discussing strategy with human players, as opposed to giving clumsy orders to AI under your command.

It's all personal preference. Personally, after I play death match for about 20 minutes I start to get bored. By then, 1 or 2 players have emerged as clearly dominant and others as inferior. You get some kills, get killed, zzzzzzzzzzzz... tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ April 18 2002,04:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lol coop, WTF lol why play online if your just gonna shoot at AI? Plenty of that in single player mode smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, perhaps, but if I want to play deathmatch or teamdeathmatch I do it in quake or similar.

as Major Fubar here say.

Either you are in coop or you are not.

Let's say that I'm not into DM in OFP, I think it is a waste of a good game to play DM in OFP.

Any other comments?

I still don't know who made these missions

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