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Can't join any MP games, why?

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"You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependant on downloadable content that has been deleted." It says that all the time. I've reinstalled the game and then applied the 1.05 patch from Armaholic (link: http://armaholic.com/page.php?id=8820 ) but still says the god damn thing over again!!

If it helps somehow I've got the steam version. Any suggestions?

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Your problem is that most of the servers now require mods such as ACE. I play vanilla and am finding it increasingly difficult to find servers that I can join. I do wish BIS would include an option to filter out modded servers. You will either have to install the mod required by the server you want to join, or just keep searching for an un-modded server. Where servers require a mod, the name of the mod is usually part of the server's name: eg joeblogsACE2publicserver etc. Good luck :-)

Edited by pipscouse

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the message simlpy means that the mission running on the server requires addons that you don't have.

i find this message to be a little retarded as it may lead people to think they have deleted something..all it really needs to say is..

"You cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependant on downloadable content."

good look trying to find enjoyable multiplayer experience on a random public server...

i highly recommend that you find a community/clan server find out what addons (if any) they run on their server, download them and try them out.

this all depends of coarse on the type of gameplay you want, be it COOP , nosebleed CTF , CTI/WARFARE , domination or tactical team vs team games etc...

look in the multiplayer forum , most communities/clans have their own thread in their advertising their servers.

if teamwork and good organised COOP is your thing then i can highly recommend you check out CiA , ZEUS community , or tactical gamer or similar servers.

CiA run smaller scale coops and might be a good start as at the minute they only require you to download one tiny addon and be on teamspeak..

zeus run medium to larger scale coops and and few attack and defend/team vs team games

tactical gamer also play medium to larger scale coops and required you to sign up on their website first

both zeus and TG require you to download ACE2 mod and their own addon packs, however they both use a tool called yoma's addon sync which is easy to set up and will download and install all the required addons you need automatically and keep you updated etc.

remember nobody likes a rambo TEAMWORK is the key word on all of these servers

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