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How do you get explosion effects like in the red hammer campaign. ( ie naval\air bombardment).

And also what is the name of the sound file that gives the sound of falling bombs? biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> How do you get explosion effects like in the red hammer campaign. <span id='postcolor'>

You can go to OFPEC and download a

artillery script.

You can create individual explosion like this:

_explosion = "Grenade" CamCreate [x,y,z]

That grenade explodes when it hits the ground.

You can also use different words instead of "grenade", like "Heat120", ...

Use the depbo tool to "unzip" the red hammer campaign, the

grenade coming sounds are there, I can't remember which mission it was..

Maybe Invasion II or something..

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Thanks for the info.

But is there any way to use the sounds without de-pbo'ing ?

How does the game use them ?

Is there a list available of the names of sound files and there content?


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The sounds are in that mission's SOUND folder.

They are defined in the mission's description.ext in the

CfgSounds part.

In the mission, they are used like this:

playsound "ShellHit_01"

I don't know whether they can be used directly,

maybe someone else could help with that.

PS. No offense, but..

If you would have put "Artillery sounds in Red Hammer campaign" to

the topic, more people would probably read this and help if they can..

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