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How can I get a unit to get IN to a car and drive off?

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Hey guy's n gals what's up?

Long time reader here asking for a favour for the first time :D

I have a mission that I'm working on and after a fwe searches and 20 pages I can't find anything to do with making a unit get in to a vehicle and drive or be driven away.

I've got 2 units be driven to a location for a "deal" and then I wish for them to both get in to the trucks they got driven in on and drive away.

I have the waypoint transport unload which makes them get out, I then added another waypoint to the men themselves and made them walk back to the trucks, but the GET IN selection doesn't make them get in to the trucks.

Any help would be killer!

Cheers in advance,


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I can post a sample mission this evening, but for now it's way too late to consider explaining! :P If you don't have an answer by this evening - I'll throw a sample mission your way.

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Ok I've got some spare time for the moment!

So, your units drive to 'the deal'. You'll want to make sure that you have a 'Transport Unload' waypoint for the truck, and a 'Get Out' waypoint for the 2 units. Then, using the Synchronise tool, synchronise those two waypoints by dragging a line between them.

Next, FOR THE TRUCK, place a 'Load' waypoint as close as possible to the 'Transport Unload' waypoint, and then another 'Move' waypoint at wherever you want him to move to after 'the deal'.

Next, add waypoints for the 2 units to do their thing. Move waypoints or whatever you want, and then so they get back in the vehicle, place a 'Get In' waypoint next to the truck's 'Load' waypoint, and synchronise these two waypoints by using the Synchronise Tool and dragging a line between them.

To recap:

  1. 'Transport Unload' waypoint for Truck outside 'the deal'
  2. 'Get Out' waypoint for the infantry next to the 'Transport Unload' waypoint
  3. Use the Synchronise Tool and synchronise the two waypoints by dragging a line between them
  4. 'Load' waypoint for Truck as close as possible to the 'Transport Unload' waypoint
  5. 'Move' waypoint for Truck to wherever you want him to move after 'the deal'
  6. Add required waypoints to infantry to simulate 'the deal'
  7. As infantry's final waypoint, put a 'Get In' waypoint near the Truck's 'Load' waypoint
  8. Use the Synchronise Tool and synchronise the two waypoints by dragging a line between them

That should be it! If you've got any queries let me know, and I can still make that example mission should you be confused.

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Ok I've got some spare time for the moment!

So, your units drive to 'the deal'. You'll want to make sure that you have a 'Transport Unload' waypoint for the truck, and a 'Get Out' waypoint for the 2 units. Then, using the Synchronise tool, synchronise those two waypoints by dragging a line between them.

Next, FOR THE TRUCK, place a 'Load' waypoint as close as possible to the 'Transport Unload' waypoint, and then another 'Move' waypoint at wherever you want him to move to after 'the deal'.

Next, add waypoints for the 2 units to do their thing. Move waypoints or whatever you want, and then so they get back in the vehicle, place a 'Get In' waypoint next to the truck's 'Load' waypoint, and synchronise these two waypoints by using the Synchronise Tool and dragging a line between them.

To recap:

  1. 'Transport Unload' waypoint for Truck outside 'the deal'
  2. 'Get Out' waypoint for the infantry next to the 'Transport Unload' waypoint
  3. Use the Synchronise Tool and synchronise the two waypoints by dragging a line between them
  4. 'Load' waypoint for Truck as close as possible to the 'Transport Unload' waypoint
  5. 'Move' waypoint for Truck to wherever you want him to move after 'the deal'
  6. Add required waypoints to infantry to simulate 'the deal'
  7. As infantry's final waypoint, put a 'Get In' waypoint near the Truck's 'Load' waypoint
  8. Use the Synchronise Tool and synchronise the two waypoints by dragging a line between them

That should be it! If you've got any queries let me know, and I can still make that example mission should you be confused.

Ha dude that worked perfectly thanks a bundle!

Only thing I need know is to set a trigger that fails the objectives when the deal has finished.

I know how to setup a trigger to fail the objectives but I'm unsure on how to actually get it working for this thing.

The low down:

I created a trigger covering the deal and I was wondering how I could make it so that after the unit moves from the "deal" waypoint the objective fails. As if to simulate the information has already been passed.

so basically

1, Guy get's out of truck and walks to the deal location,

2, After 10 seconds the objective fails and he walks back to the truck,

3, Truck drives off.

I know how to make all of that happen except the objective failing after he leaves the deal waypoint.

Can you help me on this one also man?

And Cheltenham! I'm in Gloucester haha how close is that :D

Edited by SilverEvolver

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I don't really play much with waypoints, but there is a code section that is fired when conditions are met (ie. someone arrives there). Try a variable switch (dealFail = true) in that box, and have a trigger or script waiting for that variable to be turned on.

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And Cheltenham! I'm in Gloucester haha how close is that :D

Haha dang buddy! I could just drive down and show you! :P

Ok, so I'm not totally sure on how you even add objectives, and I don't have access to ARMA right now, so I can't test this for you... but hell, do I know how to fail a mission! :P

  1. First, I want you to open up notepad, or something simple like that (Notepad++, WordPad or TextPad)
  2. Next, copy and paste this code in:
    if (thedeal == 1) then {
    dealtrigger setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "NOT PRESENT", true];
    dealtrigger setTriggerStatements ["dealman in thisList", "endMission "END1", ""];

  3. Save that file as 'init.sqf' in your MP Mission's folder. Mine are located in: 'C:\Users\#YOUR USERNAME#\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Taxi%201\MPMissions\MyMission.Chernarus'
  4. Now I want you to open up your mission in the editor, and create a Game Logic (Units > Side = Game Logic). In the Game Logic's initialisation, type:
    thedeal = 0;

  5. Next, create a trigger over the area that 'the deal' takes place. Make it so it covers the area where the units will walk into the deal, meaning it's triggered when 'dealman' (our man going to the deal) walks towards 'the deal'. I said 'deal' a lot there...
  6. Set the trigger to 'None, PresentName the trigger 'dealtrigger', and in the Condition box, put:
    dealman in thisList;

  7. In the trigger's Activation box, put:
    thedeal = thedeal + 1;

Now that should all work... I think. To be honest I'd usually muck around with different set-ups and get back to you with the one that worked for me, but I don't have access to ARMA right now, so that ain't possible! Anyways, get back to me on how it goes - hopefully well!

OH! And remember to name one of the units that is moving to do 'the deal' - 'dealman'. Otherwise, it definitely won't work! :D


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Haha dang buddy! I could just drive down and show you! :P

Ok, so I'm not totally sure on how you even add objectives, and I don't have access to ARMA right now, so I can't test this for you... but hell, do I know how to fail a mission! :P

  1. First, I want you to open up notepad, or something simple like that (Notepad++, WordPad or TextPad)
  2. Next, copy and paste this code in:
    if (thedeal == 1) then {
    dealtrigger setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "NOT PRESENT", true];
    dealtrigger setTriggerStatements ["dealman in thisList", "endMission "END1", ""];

  3. Save that file as 'init.sqf' in your MP Mission's folder. Mine are located in: 'C:\Users\#YOUR USERNAME#\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Taxi%201\MPMissions\MyMission.Chernarus'
  4. Now I want you to open up your mission in the editor, and create a Game Logic (Units > Side = Game Logic). In the Game Logic's initialisation, type:
    thedeal = 0;

  5. Next, create a trigger over the area that 'the deal' takes place. Make it so it covers the area where the units will walk into the deal, meaning it's triggered when 'dealman' (our man going to the deal) walks towards 'the deal'. I said 'deal' a lot there...
  6. Set the trigger to 'None, PresentName the trigger 'dealtrigger', and in the Condition box, put:
    dealman in thisList;

  7. In the trigger's Activation box, put:
    thedeal = thedeal + 1;

Now that should all work... I think. To be honest I'd usually muck around with different set-ups and get back to you with the one that worked for me, but I don't have access to ARMA right now, so that ain't possible! Anyways, get back to me on how it goes - hopefully well!

OH! And remember to name one of the units that is moving to do 'the deal' - 'dealman'. Otherwise, it definitely won't work! :D


Uh hahaha maybe it's just that it's late.. but since I read I could drive down and show you I instantly couldn't read anything on the bit after and take it in hahahaha...

You are welcome to come over for a beer and an Arma sesh man :D however if that was a jokey play about type thing that sure I'll give what you wrote another read later on hahaha :D


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Don't use wordpad. If you don't have notepad++, I'd recommend it. It's free. I'd also recommend a publicVariableEventHandler waiting for a variable switch. It's been gone over a few times in this forum, so I won't do so again.


Here's one: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1582490#post1582490

As you see, this also makes it JIP-compatible.

Edited by Reimann

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