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Help Spawning AI repeteadly

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Hello all

I'm using the following script to spawn enemy AI infantry, then passing them to UPSMON script for patrolling an area.

The script works fine, called by a trigger.

the problem is that it works only ONCE.

If I call it again, there are no AI spawning also if UPSMON script debug shows me that is creating new istances and new waypoints, but no AI are created.

I want to call it different times based on advancing of my squad. Instead of putting 100 eney AI on the island at the same time, I will spawn them only when my group is in the area, then delete the old ones...

Where I'm wrong?

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_infTypes = ["MOL_Rifleman","MOL_Rifleman","MOL_Soldier_MG","MOL_Medic"];

_infType = count _infTypes;

_numOfGrps = ceil(random 4);
for "_i" from 1 to _numOfGrps do

_grp = createGroup East; 
_numInGrp = ceil(random 6);
for "_i" from 1 to _numInGrp do
_infTypes select ceil(random _infType) createUnit [(getMarkerPos "areanew"), _grp, "",0.4,"PRIVATE"];
sleep 1;
"MOL_Officer" createUnit [(getMarkerPos "areanew"), _grp, "nul=[this,'areanew','nofollow','nowait'] execVM 'scripts\upsmon.sqf'",0.4,"SERGEANT"];

sleep 1;

_unit = leader _grp;
_unit setFormation "VEE";
_unit setBehaviour "CARELESS";
sleep 1;

_x allowFleeing 0;
_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.4];
_x setskill ["aimingShake",0.4];
_x setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.4];
_x setskill ["Endurance",1];
_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.4];
_x setskill ["spotTime",0.4];
_x setskill ["courage",1];
_x setskill ["reloadSpeed",0.4];
_x setskill ["commanding",0.4];
_x setskill ["general",0.4];
_x allowFleeing 0;
} forEach units _grp;


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Couldn't you call it with multiple triggers?

Edit: I would also assume you would have to pre place and use the script from armaholic something in line with "Spawn and Move to way points", which will allow you to spawn multiple waves defined by: How many units you want, how much time between each wave.

Edited by Skelt

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This will do what your looking for, just found it. Same thing I was looking for. You can place a group of AI in the editor, and tell it how many times to resapawn, and at what interval, in seconds.

Best Spawn AI on trigger Script I have found. If not please PM me!! :) I'm always up for improvements.

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