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artillery script set off by trigger and targets a certain spot

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How would I make a script that would be set off by BLUEFOR and will auto-target an area and begin to fire, instead of the player defining the zone in which the artillery is fired?

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Uhm. Not quite sure how you meant it but why don't you just make a trigger put the activation on blufor and then write yourself a simple script that makes multiple explosions at different positions ( positions from getMarkerPos and then edit the area of impact by changing the values of the xy. Or if you want the explosions to be around the player/ enemy then just get their position by getPos edit the xy a bit so it's not hitting them directly but close to them and then that should be it. To get multiple explosions in different times you could use a loop or just write them by hand and add delays. )

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From what I'm reading, you want an area to be fired at by artillery when BLUEFOR enter?

http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Artillery_Module has a lot on artillery.

How I'd do it (and there's probably better ways).

Set up your artillery battery, either virtual or real.

I haven't played with virtual, but for real:

place as many artillery units as you want in a group, and then place an ARTY logic module in.

Name your arty logic something (lets just say "artbatt" for this)

Put an invisible helipad where you want them to target (I think marks work for this too, but can't remember for sure, and I know invisible helipads do), name this something (lets say "arttarg").

Set up your trigger for when you want the artillery to fire. (I'm sure you know how to set the trigger up).

In the trigger On Activation, you want:

[artbatt, getposASL arttarg, ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission;

IMMEDIATE can be either IMMEDIATE or TIMED (IMMEDIATE is x number of shots, timed is x number of seconds)

HE can be:

HE = High Explosive

WP = White Phosporous

SADARM = Search and Destroy Armor

LASER = Laser Guided Arti Shell

ILLUM = Flares

SMOKE = Smoke

The first number (0) is time between shots, 0 being as fast as they can do it. (They will not fire faster than they can reload).

The second number is how many shells, or how long to fire, depending on weither you have immediate or timed.

I think that's right, I'm not at my comp with arma atm, so can't really check ><

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Not sure if my scripts would help, but the artytrig one could may?

I will say sorry about the readme that needs a revamp if I ever get time.

It will allow you to set dispersion number of rounds, it also has a primitive lead calculator to allow for target movement.


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