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Military Operations Resource

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This may be a strange question, and maybe I'm naive to think that such a thing may exist...

But is there such a place that may have information about military operations/missions that have taken place in the past? I don't have a military background, but I do have an interest in the military. I'd like to create some missions for ArmA 2 that are at least semi-realistic. I would assume that missions that come with the game are not set up the way something in real life might be.

Does anyone know of a place that might have information like this? History of a past military operation, how it went down, etc. Or possibly even fiction, but written by someone with military background that knows what they're talking about?

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Army Field Manuals

Marine Information

These aren't specific missions. The Army one is field manuals about various forms of operations, organizations, etc. I didn't look at the Marine one but I would figure that there is something similar in there.

In addition to that, try doing a search on ArmA and OFP forums. There was a thread talking about realistic mission ideas a while back. EDIT: Found it for you here.

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Army Field Manuals

Marine Information

These aren't specific missions. The Army one is field manuals about various forms of operations, organizations, etc. I didn't look at the Marine one but I would figure that there is something similar in there.

In addition to that, try doing a search on ArmA and OFP forums. There was a thread talking about realistic mission ideas a while back. EDIT: Found it for you here.

That's a great start, thanks very much.

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If you need references for AA/Artillery Emplacements/FOBS etc. I can help ya out. I have spent waayy too much time digging through pictures for my own needs, so I'd be happy to share what i find.

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