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mission ending

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i want my mission to end by the player doing a waypoint or entering an area

how do i do this

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This is very simple.

1. Make a trigger

2. Change the ACTIVATION to west (if your player is West)

3. Change the TYPE to end #1

4. Press OK and put the trigger where you want it and when your player enter the trigger area the mission ends.

5. You can change the size of the end area and put it rectangle if you want.

There is also a other method if you want to end it by waypoint

1. Make a waypoint and write to its activation field this: end = true

2. Make a trigger and change its TYPE to end #1

3. Last write to its condition: end (remember to delete "this" from condition field)

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and what about is you want the mission to end when your group or unit come back to your town, bringing with them a specific object?

I.e. coming in a specific vehicle they need to steal or carrying an object they have to find?

How can the mission end if the vehicle gets damaged as they come back?


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and what about is you want the mission to end when your group or unit come back to your town, bringing with them a specific object?

I.e. coming in a specific vehicle they need to steal or carrying an object they have to find?

How can the mission end if the vehicle gets damaged as they come back?


Create a trigger, group it (f2) with the vehicle player must steal, in trigger options select vehicle. Now if the vehicle enter the trigger area it will be activated. Note that this solution is not MP compatible.

Here's pictures to make things easier to understand



If you want that mission ends if the vehicle is damaged you have 2 solutuions.

- 1st solution: A little script to check if a vehicle is able to move or if it is not alive.


;Can Move Check Script by Nikiller v0.9b
;Check if a vehicle can move
;contact: nikillerofp@hotmail.fr
;[unitName] exec "scriptName.sqs"

_v = _this select 0

if (local _v) then {} else {goto "ende"}


if !(canMove _v) then {hint "the vehicle cannot move anymore"; goto "h"} else {goto _l}

;Put here whatever code you want like end variable or objective failed



- 2nd solution: A trigger who check if the vehicle can move or is not alive

Here's picture to explain:


Hope it helps.



Edited by Nikiller

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Hi mate, thank you very much for your detailed explanation and the screens.

I will try to follow these instructions during the next few days, although I am a rookie at mission editing and might screw it up, hehe.

Thank you lots

Borz ;)

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No problem glad to help. Say me if you need a demo mission for your different ends. It's hard to begin with mission editior.



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thanks mate, I have tried following your explanation and it seems to work well :)

I have been playing Arma 2 for a while, but never tried mission editing beyond adding units and waypoints because it looks way too complex.

I am trying now the respawn tutorials, and was able more or less to respawn teammates, but I am struggling a bit to respawn a vehicle from the empty object group. Probably with the nice tutorials from different forums I might find a solution tonight.

To be honest mission editing looks scary, so many complex elements involved, but although I might be the least IT-friendly reader in these forums, somehow knowing there are nice people out there kinda motivates a bit. Thanks a lot man.

By the way, i followed one of your links, and it took me to a web with lots of pictures of clowns (i guess ofp players). I just have the curiosity why clowns...

If you ever come to London sent me a text and I'll buy you a few beers.

Borz :)

Edited by -=Borz=-
grammar mistakes

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