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Stupid ai and their binoculars!

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I'm making a movie, and in the script I give a black op binoculars with

blackop addweapon "binocular"

Which works OK, but when I try to get him to use it with

blackop selectweapon "binocular"

he might use it immediately, or it might take him 15 seconds to finally use it. And I need him to use it at the same time every time.

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well, unfortunately, there is no way, to my knowledge, to simply make them use them. Actually, as far as AI goes, i think they're just for show. Once you identify a unit at 700 meters out, they automaticly pin point its position too. Iv also had AI guys do that without me identifying them first, and they werent even using their binocs. I dont think any optics have an effect on the perceptive range of AI.

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You can play an animation:

unitname playmove "LyingToBinocLying"


OR "StandToBinocStand"

He should play the animation as soon as it is triggered or called up.

3.6 is the time to do the animation for. You can use the following also in a camera script:

cutrsc ["binocular","PLAIN DOWN",0]

_cam camsettarget bmp_1

_cam CamSetFOV 0.07

_cam camCommit 0


The first line places the overlay, the next few lines zoom into a target for 10 seconds

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opposite for me. AI is supposed to board a chopper so the officer decides to whip out his binoculars and look at the chopper (sitting 5 meters away) with his binocs mad.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ April 14 2002,13:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">opposite for me.  AI is supposed to board a chopper so the officer decides to whip out his binoculars and look at the chopper (sitting 5 meters away) with his binocs  mad.gif<span id='postcolor'>


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Nope . . . when I try the "lyingtobinoclying" command, all he does is take out his binos, look through them for (not kidding) a half a second, and then he puts them back. I even put a ~5 on the next line and it didn't work.

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You did it with command "playmove" ?

Could this work:

unitname switchmove "LyingToBinocLying"


unitname switchmove ""


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This probably won't work, but if you are getting desperate

with this, you could try this:

unitname switchmove "LyingToBinocLying"

unitname stop true


unitname stop false

unitname switchmove ""

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