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How to defend against soviets?

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i believe he has a move waypoint that activates during the cutscene so he runs off. don't remember what happens when he gets there

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Out of trial and error I found that a group of soldiers were in line formation assaulting the base. I found a nice ridge and lobbed a grenade over, then thinking that I'd done my bit, ran off!

That got me enough points to get no crosses, as far as I can remember.

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BTW tales from topographic oceans is a bands name or something ......... Just thought you might like to know!

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in this mission armstrong (you) have to back to the boat.

Mjr Gastovsky(Probably spelt it wrong) stays to help the resistance. (its how the storyline goes). Dont bother much about hte red X's. no kill no point. still objective is completed. Ypu will return later on anyway. Later on you will see that the resistance has to have loses. And you are a soldier just obey the orders. (if you had been in any military service you would know. just stick to it. after all this is what makes the game so good. Realism...)

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That said the only way to avoid the dreaded XXX is to shoot at least 3 or 4 crazy ivans before heading back to the boat.

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