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Problems debugging with Bulldozer

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Hi all, i've an annoying problem that slows down a lot every work i will do on my island.

I usually have V3 and Bulldozer (arma2.exe) open at the same time, in order to view "on line" what happens on my map while drawing roads and placing objects.

Well, the bulldozer window is updated when the window itself got the focus, but 7/10 of times the click on bulldozer window will completely screw up my position cursor.

In the best case the cursor is moved some hundreds of meters away from the previous point of view, but a lot of times the position is totally screwed up and placed in the middle of the ocean (randomly) forcing me to close road placement tool (2 windows), searching again for the last position, click on the map, move the focus to bulldozer and move again to the precise position ('cause bulldozer will still move away of some hundreds of meters...)

It's a known problem? there is a solution for this issue? :(

Thank you for every possible hint!

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having the roadcreationtool open while switching to bulldozer has been messing up the roadnetwork (as it was reported by some people somewhere).

Normally if you have a road selected and switch to bulldozer your focus will be on the end of the selected road... thats a bit anoying especially if you have a long road. You should not make too long raods anyway since smoothing and other roadoperations will not work anymore then....

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NOOOO! :) i hope my road network will resist to your macumba's :D

In my case the switch will move me several houndreds of meters RIGHT of the last position, and sometimes some kilometers away...

My roads are very long, but interrupted every 40-50 segments with terminators. This will affect smoothing? and... last but not least... what kind of smoothing option i must use? all attempts seems not having any result on the road.

Thank you :)

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Ok... if your roads consist of shorter parts there should be no problem. About the effect... well thats trial and error... it is best to save, then use smothscript look if it fits you the go on... there was some discussion about this here:


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click on bulldozer window will completely screw up my position cursor.

Try using ALT-Tab to select Buldozer window. I never "click it".

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Damn... worked! thank you Gnat! really nice advice!!!!!

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