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Ammo disappearing in crate

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I've added a couple weapons and mags to a crate. One in particular I only added one magazine for the weapon. I noticed a problem testing however.

I take the weapon from the crate, which gives my character the weapon with a full clip. I exchange (take/drop) the weapon for another one and then take the weapon again. This time there is no extra ammo for it. What happened to the magazine?

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Just simply adding some weapons and magazines:

WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["MM1",1];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["M21",1];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["HuntingRifle",1];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["FAL",3];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["m16",10];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["steyr",1]; 
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["m60",3];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["6g30",5];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["m16grenadelauncher",50];
WCrateMainGuns addweaponcargo ["pk",10];

WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["MM1Magazine",5];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["FALMag",200];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["m16",500];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["steyrmag",10];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["m4",50];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["pk",500];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["m60",500];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["6G30Magazine",50];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["M21",500];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["SVDDragunov",5];
WCrateMainGuns addmagazinecargo ["HuntingRifleMag",1];

So if I go up to that crate and grab the hunting rifle (which has only one mag added) it has me holding a hunting rifle with a full magazine. If I grab another gun ("Take xxx drop hunting rifle") and then grab the hunting rifle again ("Take hunting rifle drop xxx") then there is no more ammo for the hunting rifle.

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I'd say you're overloading the crate. 200 and 500 magazines is way over the top...why do you need so many mags?

First of all you want to clear the existing weapons and mags from the crate before you do your custom loading. Here is a snipet from a crate loading script. Note the clearweaponcargo and clearmagazinecargo lines.

_gun = _this select 0

clearweaponcargo _gun;

clearmagazinecargo _gun;

_gun AddWeaponCargo ["SUCHRPG16D", 1]

_gun AddWeaponCargo ["SVDDragunov",1]

_gun AddMagazineCargo ["SVDDragunov", 49]

_gun AddMagazineCargo ["c8xak74mag", 130]

_gun AddMagazineCargo ["c8xrpk74mag", 64]

_gun AddMagazineCargo ["SUCHRPG16dAT", 25]

_gun AddMagazineCargo ["SUCHRPG16dHE", 25]

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Ahh yea, I was clearing the crate before but didn't copy that part of my script. I'll try adding only the HuntingRifle and one other gun to see if it has anything to do with the capacity of the ammo crate.

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Just had a chance to test this out. I only added a couple things to the ammo crate and no more disappearing magazines.

Thanks for the help! I didn't realize there was a limit to the ammo crate storage.

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