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Creating Group With Trigger + Add UPS

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Can anyone help me with making a script that makes an enemy group and have them init the Urban Patrol Script that you can call in with a trigger? :confused:

I'm doing it this way because my mission is big and I dont want a bunch of units already spawned in all over the map when the mission spawns. I want the groups to spawn and follow the UPS script when triggered by BLUFOR.

I tried making egroup1.sqf

ups1 is the marker, _egroup1 is the group name

_grp = Creategroup EAST;

_grp createUnit ["SquadLeaderE", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 5, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEMG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEAT", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierESniper", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];

Then after that I tried to call it in but kept giving me errors. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D

Edited by Semedar

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Ok it's getting very frustrating for me to figure this out :confused:

1. The script I'm using to spawn a group does in fact work

2. This is the error I get: KRON_Flag.jpg

I found out it's from the UPS script.

What I'm doing to try to get this script working:

I'm trying to spawn an enemy group from my Init.sqf for now to just test and find how to add a group and make them init the ups.sqf: [this,"marker"] execVM "ups.sqf"

From my init.sqf:

//Spawns Group With UPS
[] execvm "ups1spwn.sqf";
Sleep 1;
[_grp,"ups1spwn"] execVM "ups.sqf";

From ups1spwn.sqf:

// Function file for Armed Assault
// Created by: Semedar
//exec: [] execvm "ups1spwn.sqf"

_grp = Creategroup EAST;

_grp createUnit ["SquadLeaderE", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 5, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEB", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEMG", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierEAT", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];
_grp createUnit ["SoldierESniper", getMarkerPos "GrpM", ["GrpM"], 2, "FORM"];

I have a rectangle marker named GrpM to spawn the units there. I'm trying to make them follow the ups script from the init.sqf

So, to summarize:

Does anyone know how to spawn an enemy group and make them init: [this,"marker"] execVM "ups.sqf" And make them spawn with a trigger?

If so, can you post detailed instructions?

Edited by Semedar

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Did you even noticed my post? Followed the link?

Sorry, but your posts (welcome to the forum btw) give me the feeling that you

1. don't know much about scripting for ArmA1 (it is ArmA1 you want to do this for right?)

2. can't be arsed to read tutorials / BIS wiki

3. expect other users who learned scripting in weeks/months to sacrifice their sparetime to deal with your concept

If i got the wrong impression plz accept my apologies.

You see i know Formula1 cars can be incredibly fast and it's fun to watch them on TV. And now supppose some ppl would hand me all the working parts to construct a F1 car.

Now the problem is that although i know exactly how a finished F1 car would look like and what it's supposed to do there's no way on Earth i could accomplish this task simply because i'd have no idea what part goes where and how it all works together. I don't have the knowledge.

That's exactly like what you're trying here i guess. So plz take a deep breath, read the tutorials other ppl have written down to help beginners and then take the first test steps. If you have problems getting your first test script to run, post it and ask. You'll get help and eventually your script will work.

But plz don't expect ppl to write whole scripts for you and also tell you how to run them etc etc. Even if we can answer your first 10 questions there'll be 100 more until you make it work. Ppl simply dont have the time.

:) Again, welcome to the forums.

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