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The Basic Funcion of a Trigger

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helo everyone, please somebody can explain me all the basic things os how can a use a trigger, how to start or finish a misions ¿? how to make the mision finish after a while when you do objectives ¿?

i undestand that you have to write a script , but where ? and how ?

we need a guide that explain all the little things whit examples that can make us understant the basic thing and go forward.

(like the guide that MattXR do it for us whit the waypoint... )

Edited by THADEUS

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You don't need a script to end a mission after objectives are done. I make 2 basic editing mission to show endtriggers and a lot more. Try also my trigger tutorial, it shows you all the trigger functions in ArmA2. Hope you undestand german. :)

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Hi, and welcome.

There is a cool "Search" tool at top off screen where you can ask this question or try to read some treads and topics,

There is a editor guide that explains all aspect in editor(mr Murry's editor guide-http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=71370)and there's tons off stuff in this forum!

good luck

Edited by Sgt.Spoetnik

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