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AH64 weapon cycling and targetting

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Having alittle difficulty with the AH64, Im not sure if Im doing something stupid but I cannot get the gunner to actually target properly or change weapon properly:confused:

If I tell him to cycle weapon (ctrl+f) the orange report text on the left side of the screen sometimes states that the weapon has changed but the green HUD indicator at the top right is stuck on hydra constantly. The only weapons that will appear to cycle according to the reporting text are the cannon (30x113) and sidewinders (AIM-9L), I cant seem to be able to actually get him to report hydras or hellfires :(

Targetting is usually 80% failure aswell, he just wont target stuff despite being in direct LOS and less than 1000m away.

Using 1.05, Ace/zeus_ace/GL4/warfx/JTD/proper/landtex mods if thats any help.....

Cheers :D

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