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Stalker Units 0.5a

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icewindo your gsc stalker units have turned up in the www.dayzorigins.com mod along side ads in the map for www.pcgamer.com and www.gamersplatoon.net, with no acknowledgement for you or GSC

they also use 2017 models which i believe are mods of your mods based on what shinkicker has said. you can read it here


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Any chance of other models being converted?

Such as the SEVA suit and the power armors?

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I'm actively emailing you and pm'ing you to get your permission to use your units in some screenshots and possibe videos i'm planning to showcase my island I'm creating, but I cannot get through to you..?

Are you still there man...?

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From his profile

Last Activity: Feb 7 2013 16:57

So, just be patient I would say. Maybe he is out walking the dog in a different county for a few weeks.

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Hey icewindo, is there any chance at all that you would be making stalker skins for arma 3? Im not even sure if that possible or not but these skins look amazing. Definite nosalgia here.

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I really hope I'm just being stupid here, but I can't find the Bulat (military stalker) suit in the editor :( I can see all the rest, under the headings of FREEDOM, DUTY, Neutral Stalkers, and Scientists, but I can't see any other headings.

Please, please someone tell me the Bulat is included :) I'll probably cry if it isn't actually there

Edit: Having done some rooting through the .pbo files, I discovered that they are present, but not available. These are the steps I took in order to make them available for use in game, it's nothing exceptionally difficult. For argument's sake I've put them into the Independent side.

1: Ensure the mod is completely backed up, just in case you screw something up (I've done that a lot, as long as you can repair it, it's nothing to be ashamed of)

2: Extract the DAPSTALKERS.pbo file to a location not within your program files folder. I did this with the loadout editor as I had it open at the time, but I believe it can be done with cpbo.

3: Open the Config.cpp file with notepad and make the following changes:

4: Under the heading: class CfgFactionClasses, and the subheading: class dap_military_faction change 'side = 0' to 'side = 2'

5: Work your way down the document, fortunately the military suits are all towards the top. The first one to be listed is 'class gsc_military_helmet_wdl' From here on down, wherever it says 'scope = 0' change it to 'scope = 2' be aware that there are two 'scope = 0' values above this that do not need to be changed. I have no idea what this does, but it worked for me.

6: When you reach 'class gsc_scientist1' you have now edited all of the military stalker suits, but they still need to be assigned a side. Work your way back up towards the top, and look out for where it says 'side = -1'. This needs to be changed to 'side = 2' When you get back to the first military stalker, 'class gsc_military_helmet_wdl', save and exit.

7: Repackage DAPSTALKERS as a .pbo and reinsert it where it should be within the game files.

8: Load up the game, and in the editor, you should find them on the independent side, under a blank faction that should appear below the Neutral stalkers.

If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to drop me a pm and I'll do what I can to help.

Edited by Maynard
Solution to issue discovered

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Hi i saw your pics about this addon thats amazing i cant wait when other units will be released i hope you finish this amazing adon)))

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Hi! Awesome skins!

I was a bit disappointed to find that, if added to trader's inventory, the skin cannot be bought as other clothes (in a package) in my Arma 2: OA - DayZ Epoch. Is that a limitation with my Epoch or the class used by the trader is missing? Any idea how I could fix that? I'd really love to be able to sell these skins to my users.


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omg((( guys i might be stuped, but i installed this mod.... So can i add a unit in this skin in arma editor??? i can't find them in the editor....

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Okay so I just recent started SoC and decided to see some A2 mods to go with ArmanIII's Chernobyl zone map for both arma 2&3 and just read through this whole forum. Ive seen a lot of improvement on this mod by the users and was wondering,i those of you who did modify the units can post a download link for the rest of us?

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