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OnSingleMapClick Problem

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i have this code:

NameMarker" setMarkerPos [0,0];

onMapSingleClick "NameUnit move _pos;""NameMarker"" setMarkerPos _pos"; true; onMapSingleClick """"; ";

if (NameUnit distance _pos <=1) then {deleteMarker "NameMarker"};

this code is activated bye addAction but is isnt working

Plaese help me i am CONFUSED :butbut:

Edited by Kladho

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"NameMarker" setMarkerPos [0,0];

onMapSingleClick "NameUnit setPos _pos; 'NameMarker' setMarkerPos _pos; true; onMapSingleClick ''; ";

if (NameUnit distance _pos <=1) then {deleteMarker "NameMarker"};

You should of course have a marker named NameMarker and a unit named NameUnit.

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