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unit move on mapclik

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I want that you can call a unit to order him to move on the 'mapclick' and you can dot this over and over again

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Yes okay but how at that position also a marker and if the unit is at his location then the marker go's away

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It should work with this...

"NameMarker" setMarkerPos [0,0];
onMapSingleClick "NameUnit move _pos;""NameMarker"" setMarkerPos _pos"; true;"
if (NameUnit distance _pos <=1) then {deleteMarker "NameMarker"};

Edited by Imutep

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Thanks this works but

i isnt going to stop you can click the holly time

i just want 1 CLICK and then you cant click enymore

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There you go:

onMapSingleClick "NameUnit move _pos;""NameMarker"" setMarkerPos _pos"; true; [color="Blue"]onMapSingleClick """";[/color] "

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