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Why am I getting kicked?

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This is before I even join the game. I use ACE, but that is the only bunch of mods I have so I can't undertsnd why I cant join servers. I dont misbehave (TK etc) but one server even banned me before I even got through the front door.

Is this a Battleye problem, is it looking at my game, seeing that I have mods and then just locking me out of servers. getting mightily P****** off with it all at the moment to be frank:mad:

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You should do a search about the way servers handle custom mods and addons before getting pissed off. If a server doesn't allow the mod you have, or has a mod that you don't have, it will kick you. This was implemented in ArmA as a way of keeping things fair in a MP environment, as well as fixing possible crashes and hacking.

To fix - don't play with mods unless a server specifically says it needs one. It is not BattlEye. And repeatedly rejoining servers after they kick you generally constitutes a ban in most games, not just here.

Edited by Zipper5

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Also take the time to read the name in the gamespy browser for a specific server that you are thinking of joining. It may say No Mods, or ACE Mod, you would be astounded at the number of players who connect with the wrong setup to a server that clearly states what is needed

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