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Japanese army error

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That is an Armed Assault addon and not ARMA2 addon. Bit wrong forum section as well to post this in.

From Armaholic.com:

"Downloads / Armed Assault Files / Addons / Units / Imperial Japanese Army Pack"

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Thats because they are a Arma1 addon, porting units over from A1 to A2 wont work because the models are not the same or other model,

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A bold attempt actually gorilla100!

You were actually on the right lines by attempting to use CAA1 (and presumably OAC as well) to "have a go" with an Arma 1 addon....

CAA1 has limits - one of them being actual soldier units... the actual structure of these has fundamentally changed since Arma 1... CAA1 is no help there... Similarly, vehicles usually need some modification... Islands and terrain least of all....

CAA1 isn't a "magic bullet" though, sadly...

There's a thread specially about porting Arma 1 stuff to Arma 2 - well worth a read if you're interested in that sort of thing... it's rarely a plug and play situation though, and as I said - soldier models are particularly difficult/impossible to port...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Excuse but you're the best

PS Can I find Japanese\Chinese\Indian Army for ARMA II?

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thank you and there are the secret agents units for example an armed unit with black jacket and black trousers

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there are some great units around, check the complete addons tread, or check out Armaholic.com for addons,missions,etz.

There is a Vietnam mod called VTE for Arma2, its just a start but you can find it usefull for what you looking for,


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There's been some mention of a possible Pacific WW2 island (Guadalcanal or something) but it will be a long time before it's done. If it's actually being made. Also possibly expect some Japanese infantry in the future. I hope.

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Well if so, why not just start with somthing " very smal" like:

1. smal pacific island.

2. US and Japanes basic infantry.

Then release a smal beta to check gameplay and if others might like to help out with it?

I personaly would love to see this come true!

if some one works on this that would just rock!

Also a Bayonett/Japanes sword could spice up the MOD?

is there a FORUM TOPIC for WW2 Pacific mod for ARMA2?

if so plz show me link for it, or maby its time some one start one?


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Patience, Young Vader... sorry, FADER... :D

Iwo Jima - Currently On Hold

... requires an array of custom objects & vegetation not currently available.....

Fortunately, another far more experienced island maker than I is also interested in the same area... though we haven't discussed it at length yet, we may well collaborate loosely on a wee series sometime... Just terrains, of course - but one thing tends to inspire another around here...

No forum topic for that terrain yet, or for this one, mainly because terrains take so long there's no real point in hyping them heavily until you have something at least approaching a beta state...

Big projects and long-term goals aren't unusual in this community though, and a year from now - once the Arma2/Arrowhead "merger" is over - you'll be amazed at the variety and quality of user content there'll be available...

Meantime, you might want to take a look at some of the tools tutorials sometime ;)... that creative urge might just grab you!

Wandering wildly off-topic there.... the Mods Will Not Be Pleased... I'll shut up....


Edited by Bushlurker

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You could even do something on the scale of Wake island from the Battlefield series. A tad bit bigger and it would be fine for ArmA 2.

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so, this mean there MIGHT be a pacific WW2 mod coming up in future?

Maby you could use this guys island just for " test/beta/alpha/ " For the Jungle looks damn good! With some Japs & Marines infantry added to that Jungle it would kick ass!!

Or maby work togheter with that guy? or atleast use african jungle trees?

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so, this mean there MIGHT be a pacific WW2 mod coming up in future?

Of course there might be... if maybe Fader Prutt sits down for about half a year,collects information, makes one of the desired islands, creates tropical asian plants etc., puts it all together. And maybe when he has finished the island somebody may have finished some japanese solders....

So if you are really willing to try, Bushlurker and i (at least i would) give you the material we have collected so far to make the island. Since we are busy with other projects atm we wont start working on such a project soon.

Maybe this would be a good start:




You could read the position of every pillbox if you wanted to...

think about it:)

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