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Water config

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Ok thanks to "T D" I have a beautiful lake. I was able to export my V3 map with the contours set to begin at the elevation of my lake(making a perfect outline of where it meets the terrain), then I traced the contours over the image in autocad and exported the face into O2. My 600m custom lake now fits the landscape perfectly along every edge, but I have several problems.

1. No water sounds.

2. No water splash or sound when shot, I set a fire geo lod?

3. It is not visible from really far away. I played with adding several view lod's but nothing worked.

4. I can see several areas that are lighter and darker until I get closer, prolly relating to the grid system of the terrain, as my lake extends into several grids.

5. I can't swim in it.

I assume fixing the 4th issue can be done by splitting it up into smaller pieces, though I would prefer a method that keeps it as 1 piece, I do not know if there is a config file entry that could help with the visibility issues.

The other issues I assume are with the config file, or my lack of one, I could not find a sample water object config, and everything here looks to be vehicle, building, character, or gun oriented.

Is there a manual or tutorial that focuses on the possible options and syntax in a config file? and not just for vehicles but a broad range of examples that includes water objects.

I extracted a lot of pbo's and could find no model config for water objects.

Should water parameters be set up in a model config, or the general config, or some other config?

I have no idea what im doing yet. Configs scare me, I hate syntax, but I'm ready to learn damit!

Someone please point me in the right direction


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Spent hours of research on this, could someone clarify a few things for me.

I discovered water parameters in several areas.

I see there is a material .bisurf file that describes a materials properties, including water, though don't know all the parameters.

I see the surfaces.hpp has possible entries for water surfaces, again am not sure of the parameters, seems to be tied only to materials on the terrain and not in objects, though maybe I tie my terrain materials to the lake above?

I see water objects can be called out in the config.cpp, not sure what category to place them in, object, vehicle, etc. I assume this is where the majic of swimming etc occurs but have found nothing about it.

Is there anything that should be done with a model.cfg in relation to my lake, no anims so I did not think it was needed?

This is not for an addon that one would place in the editor, it is for a static object in my Island, so I assume this all gets placed in the general config.cpp for the island.

I went through Mondkalb's_Addon_Tutorial and learned a bit though it seems frought with errors and name inconsistencies. Does anyone know of a better tutorial for getting this stuff straight?


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