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Binarized model locked from editing?

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I did a quick read through and didn't see a thread dealing with this offhand, probably find it if I dug deeper, maybe someone could save me an hour or two :)

I'm still building terrain, and needed a larger pond, more like a lake, so I figure, Easy, load up the pond from my structures pbo into O2 and make the sucker bigger, NOT!, Oxygen says binarized model or something and I cannot edit it. Without going through every tutorial, how the heck do I unlock or unbinarize or whatever, a pond to edit it.

I plan to move to learning oxygen modeling after building the majority of my terrain, but I got stuck on this stupid lake, and don't want to pile on a ton of new tutorials just to edit the size. My brain hurts from learning Visitor3 over the last few days. So hopefully someone can help me.



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I think there is no option to modify binarized models. Maybe you can try to set the size of the pond to 500 in Visitor. On the other hand you can place many ponds overlapping each other and then give them the same height via "setabsoluteheight" script... this will give you one big lake ingame. But be shure that all the ponds have the same orientation because the waveanimation seems to be bound to the objects orientation. I learned that after having placed hundreds of ponds for my river....

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And even if you could edit it, chances are with the game engine as it is, making it larger would likely "break" it as a working addon.

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I saw someone post a link to a pond that snapped together like roads in the V3 forum, but the link was unavailable.

I have 4 large ponds at 500% right now, but they flicker and have a lot of issues, and their overlap is visible in the texture. I need to make a custom one that fits the terrain where I plan to place it.

Anyone know of a pond template that has all the textures and properties set up, that just requires the bounding poly to be added?

Also I noticed my ponds water pattern moves rapidly as I walk towards it, also the scale of the water is off, think this is a problem with scaling it up 500% but not sure. And I do not enter it swiming, and the bullets do not make a splash, wonder if this is a config file problem.

Thanks again


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the reason the models are Binarized in the first place is that way you can unlock it and edited the mod. the reason why people lock the model is because we dont want you editing our models with out the permission of the designers we have rights to lock our models so you cant do what you want with them but just chance the textures of the model thats all..

would it be fair if you made a model and you put it up for people to download and take it and redesign it alittle and say they made the whole thing. thats why people can lock there stuff.

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I did not ask why there are locked, I am slightly offended by your accusation, though not terribly so. :)

I know why models are locked, but this is a figgin plane of water for god sakes, I am not trying to steal someones hard work, I just want to make a custom size pond.

I would only borrow work if I though it was "allowed" to be borrowed.

I had guessed ponds were similar to roads, and V3 came with usable "unlocked" roads, in lieu of the locked ones in the Roads2.pbo

I did not ask to unlock a vehicle, or structure, just what I though was a standard terrain item.

I realize there is no way to unlock them now, the question has turned to, is there a resource of templates that one could use to develop these models? (like the roads in V3). Perhaps maybe a pond template, where you just create the bounds, so the design work is separate from the more technical syntax that would look about the same for everyone, in this simplistic case of a plane of water anyway.

I am biting the bullet and setting up the 3dsmax Arma tools, I will just make my own pond, though I had hoped to wait until the terrain was sorted out before switching tracks to O2 like this, mastering one tool then switching to another is preferred, learning both at once is rough. Hence the purpose of my original query seeking a quick to modify pond.


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the reason the models are Binarized in the first place is that way you can unlock it and edited the mod.

That is simply wrong. The only reason for binarization is optimisation of the model data for the engine. That there is no tool that can edit these files is just a side effect.

Of course it is not okay to "steal" work of others. But why should modellers be able to protect there stuff when others (texturerers, scripters, mission designer, island maker, configger etc.) cannot. There are always people who dont follow the moral rules, but this community proved that these individuals are quickly identified.

In this special case I dont see why he shouldnt have access to a simple pond MLOD just to see how it is made.


Hope this helps.

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I didn't notice the "this" was a link right away.

Thank you very much, that's exactly what I needed.


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Ok thanks to "T D" I have a beautiful lake. I was able to export my V3 map with the contours set to begin at the elevation of my lake(making a perfect outline of where it meets the terrain), then I traced the contours over the image in autocad and exported the face into O2. My 600m custom lake now fits the landscape perfectly along every edge, but I have several problems.

1. No water sounds.

2. No water splash or sound when shot, I set a fire geo lod?

3. It is not visible from really far away. I played with adding several view lod's but nothing worked.

4. I can see several areas that are lighter and darker until I get closer, prolly relating to the grid system of the terrain, as my lake extends into several grids.

5. I can't swim in it.

I assume fixing the 4th issue can be done by splitting it up into smaller pieces, though I would prefer a method that keeps it as 1 piece, I do not know if there is a config file entry that could help with the visibility issues.

The other issues I assume are with the config file, or my lack of one, I could not find a sample water object config, and everything here looks to be vehicle, building, character, or gun oriented.

Is there a manual or tutorial that focuses on the possible options and syntax in a config file? and not just for vehicles but a broad range of examples that includes water objects.

I extracted a lot of pbo's and could find no model config for water objects.

Do I just make a model config file and name it after the model, then create a water class in it, then... yeah im lost.

I have no idea what im doing yet. Configs scare me, I hate syntax, but I'm ready to learn damit!

Someone please point me in the right direction


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maybe you should have a look at the pond from arma1 samplemodels. At least there seems to be an animation applied to the roadwayLod. It is called more_anim.01.pac, and could be the reason for the waterlike behaviour. Normally roadwayLods do not have any textures etc applied.

Maybe you can find a solution in there...

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