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A Resistance campaign script

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I found this weird script from Ofp Resistance campaigns first missions intro.

What it does is that it attaches a camera to the car and looks at the driver. Sk is the name of the car.

;Zaber ze skody
soused say "D01v05"
_who = sk;

_dx = 2;
_dy = 0.0;
_dz = 1.2;


;=== 17:26:18
_camera camSetTarget sk
_camera camSetPos [(getpos _who select 0) + _dx * sin (getdir _who) - _dy * cos (getdir _who), (getpos _who select 1) + _dx * cos (getdir _who) + _dy * sin (getdir _who), (getpos _who select 2)+_dz]
_camera camSetFOV 0.300
_camera camCommit 0
@camCommitted _camera

? interend3 : goto "konec3"
goto "LOOP3"

Problem is that the next camera script i make doesnt appear.

I think its something to do with the things between ? interend 3 and #konec3. Since this keeps it attached to the car. The thing is i cant open the mission with my ofp editor. So i cant search there. And those dx thing i dont know what they mean and i dont care, but if it is something to do with them tell. There shoud not be any problem if it is "set" or "Prepare". Or is there?

You can easily test this script by making a car named sk and a intro sqs with this script. And dont remember to make a camera. Surely you know what to do. If you think you can solve this problem.

So if somebody knows what stops this script please tell.

Sorry about my bad english

And thanks

I know this shoud be posted in ofp, but i tested it in arma 2 and I want it to work with arma 2.

Edited by Joona

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I dont actually understand why you want to use this script since its just a somewhat "outdated" way to keep the camera attached to the car.

you should rather use the attachto command, like this;

_camera camSetTarget sk

_camera attachTo [car,[0,2,0]]

you may have to fiddle with the XYZ coordinates to get the result you are after.

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