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tasks and markers visible after an event

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hi all

i'm doing some coop missions

in the first mission i set 6 tasks, all work i haven't problems with that

but i want to do a thing:

obj_1 - obj visible in diary from the beginning, marker visible in map from the beginning

obj_2 - obj visible in diary ONLY AFTER obj_1 completed, marker in map visible ONLY AFTER obj_1 completed

obj_3 - obj visible in diary from the beginning, marker visible in map from the beginning

obj_4 - obj visible in diary ONLY AFTER obj_3 completed, marker in map visible ONLY AFTER obj_3 completed

obj_5 - obj visible in diary ONLY AFTER obj_4 completed, marker in map visible ONLY AFTER obj_4 completed

obj_6 - obj visible in diary from the beginning, marker visible in map from the beginning

if somone can link something i appreciate that ;)

thanks all


Edited by uait

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for the marker i just found a way! :yay:

but still have problems with diary

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In ArmA2 there is no way to hide objectives as in OFP and ArmA1. You need to create the objectives 2, 4 and 5 in a trigger (or script) after the preceding tasks are complete.

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thx for answer!!!

so i cant?!!


if i have this in my briefing.sqf

tskobj_3 = player CreateSimpleTask["Documenti"];

tskobj_3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Trova i <marker name=olsha'>documenti</marker> da cui potremo dedurre i piani nemici","Documenti","Documenti];

tskobj_2 = player CreateSimpleTask["Campo"];

tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Raggiungi <marker name=base'>campo NAPA</marker>.","Campo","Campo];

tskobj_1 = player CreateSimpleTask["Contatto"];

tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Mettiti in contatto con il <marker name=NAPA'>NAPA</marker>.","Contatto","Contatto];

and dont want that the TSKOBJ_2 is show at the beginning of mission (but i want that tskobj_3 remain visible)... i have to put it in, for example, trigger that make DONE the TSKOBJ_1??? is that?

so... now i have this INIT in the trigger that make tskobj_1 succeded:

"1" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; player setCurrentTask tskobj_2; obj_1 = true; publicVariable "obj_1"; hint "Il campo NAPA e' in 128.012"; nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj_1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; null0 = this execVM "base.sqf"; _marker = createMarker ["base", position fuoco ]; "base" setMarkerType "hd_flag"; "base" setMarkerText "Campo"; "base" setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";

do you know what i have to do?? or do you know some discussion about it?

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You need to remove the second task line completely from the briefing.sqf:


tskobj_3 = player CreateSimpleTask["Documenti"];
tskobj_3 setSimpleTaskDescription["Trova i <marker  name='olsha'>documenti</marker> da cui potremo dedurre i piani  nemici","Documenti","Documenti"];

tskobj_1 = player CreateSimpleTask["Contatto"];
tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription["Mettiti in contatto con il <marker  name='NAPA'>NAPA</marker>.","Contatto","Contatto"]

In the trigger which is activated when the first objective is done you have this:

"1" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; player setCurrentTask tskobj_2; obj_1 = true; publicVariable "obj_1"; hint "Il campo NAPA e' in 128.012"; nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj_1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; null0 = this execVM "base.sqf"; _marker = createMarker ["base", position fuoco ]; "base" setMarkerType "hd_flag"; "base" setMarkerText "Campo"; "base" setMarkerColor "ColorWhite"; tskobj_2 = player CreateSimpleTask["Campo"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Raggiungi <marker name='base'>campo NAPA</marker>.","Campo","Campo"];

Note the two added commands at the end which create a new task.

"1" objStatus "DONE" is no more needed in ArmA2, you use the setTaskState command instead. However it doesn't has any negative impact if you keep it.

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thank you!!!

i do a thing!

i crete 2 triggers one near other

in the first:

tskobj_2 = player CreateSimpleTask["Campo"]; tskObj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription["Raggiungi <marker name=base'>campo NAPA</marker>.","Campo","Campo];

in the second:

"1" objStatus "DONE"; tskobj_1 setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; player setCurrentTask tskobj_2; obj_1 = true; publicVariable "obj_1"; hint "Il campo NAPA e' in 128.012"; nul = [objNull, ObjNull, tskobj_1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; null0 = this execVM "base.sqf"; _marker = createMarker ["base", position fuoco ]; "base" setMarkerType "hd_flag"; "base" setMarkerText "Campo"; "base" setMarkerColor "ColorWhite";

so when player comes near first trigger the obj_2 is create in diary, and when after a meter when he comes in the second trigger he knows that he does the request obj_1 :yay:

thank you :)

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