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proper syntax to check to see if several people are alive...

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In my mission, I have a large city where the players are going into to kill bad guys, but they have to be careful not to kill civilians. I cannot find a script that checks for CIVILIANS being killed so I have decided to just name a bunch of them and then have a trigger check to see if the named ones are alive.

I know how to code the "!alive" for a single entity, but how would you script that to check for SEVERAL entities being alive?

Can you even do that with a single trigger of will I have to make a seperate trigger for each one?

Lastly, is there a piece of code that if the above trigger's condition is met, in the ON ACTivation block, I can make the offending player LOSE a life (using Norrin's revive script) or if that is not possible, just KILL him?

As usual thanks in advance guys.:rolleyes:

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Well, the easiest way would be to add a killed eventhandler to each civilian, which "kills" the player each time he kills a civilian.

Put a big trigger covering all civilians, activated by civilian side, once, with the following line in the on activation line :

{_x addeventhandler ["killed", "(_this select 1) setdammage 1"]} foreach thislist

To answer your question about the "not alive" checked on several units, it's easy with the "count" command. For example :

{alive _x} count [civilian1,civilian2,civilian3] < 3

will check if one or more of the three civilian is dead.

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ahhhhhh, excellent man. Thanks alot. I'm assuming that the names in your second code "civilian1, civilian2...etc" are just the NAMES you are assigning to each civilian and I could replace that with whatever names I am using for them correct?

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