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Major Fubar

Mic comedians

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Here's one thing I'm really sick of:

Idiots who think its funny to make funny noises into the their mics during MP online play. Farting, burping, singing, mumbling incoherrently....how can any moron think this is funny? Yes, it was mildly amusing the first 2 or 3 times I heard it, then it just gets f**king annoying. Grow up, even an 8 year old would get bored of doing this after about 5 minutes.

What I would really like is for a future patch to include one of the following: a way to detect which player is speaking into the mic (so the can be booted by the server), or the ability to mute the mic channel on your machine. It's not just me, when I've been playing in big online games, it pisses almost everybody off. Servers have threatened permanent bans, but they can't tell who it is.

Me, I'd just be happy to mute the mental deficients who think this is the funniest thing since Beavis and Butthead, and let them gibber away to their hearts content with no audience but themselves.

Anyone else found this?

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I totally agree, and so do the boys over at Fraghaus. I believe BigQed has started a mic spamming resolution, which you can visit over at their forums. www.fraghaus.com, go to the forums, then the Operation Flashpoint section, and there it will be, right at the top.

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I've tried turning off Voice over ip in the server config, but for some reason after I do that, it takes forever to join the server. Has anyone had any luck with that?

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For some reason it takes forever to connect to a server with voip configured on the client, but with it disabled on the server. Only way I've found around it is NOT to config voip when I installed...works fine now...

my 2c

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