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TechSgt Matt

AI Group Script

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hey, just got Armed Assault 2 a day ago and im still new. But ive been looking through the forums(mostly skimming through it) but i made a mission where a small task force has to land on Utes and take the Airfield from the Russians.

i was wondering how you can get the AI to send a group message, Example: Delta 2, this is Foxtrot 3 ETA to Airfield in 3 minutes, i repeat 3 minutes. Over.

Example: Roger Delta 2, all squads prepare for combat, we're going in hot!

if anyone has a thread that already has this please point me to it, and srry if this is in the wrong place but im still trying to figure all this out :o

me and my friend are having a small race to see who can make a really cool invasion mission...lol stupid i know:o Thx for your guys patience:yay:

Edited by TechSgt Matt

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well you can do this:

unit sidechat "Delta 2, this is Foxtrot 3 ETA to Airfield in 3 minutes, i repeat 3 minutes. Over";

put this in a trigger, change the "unit" with your unit name and you will see him saying... what you want him to say

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